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Posts tagged ‘big’

Pursuing our goals without attaching worthiness

eb65892d1c35299e535c7eafdd14718dThis morning I read a blog on Positively Positive titled How to pursue goals without setting yourself up for disappointment. It caught my attention because I was about to log my results for the third week of our “In the Equation 2014 Challenge” as unsuccessful. I did not hit my goals this week. In fact, I struggled…a lot.

What’s interesting about this, is that I am NOT feeling unsuccessful or like a failure — meaning I have not attached my overall worthiness to the goal. Rather, I had a tough week. Some out of town travel, a girls weekend and some emotional upset made it extra tricky and I did not meet my goals this week. There is only one thing to do now, “restart!”

I am human. And the truth is, I’ve been struggling quite a bit lately to stay on track with my “In the Equation lifestyle goals” as I work through some personal emotional stress at a level that has challenged me more than anything in the last four years. But, I know the way. I’m not making excuses. And, after reading this blog this morning, I realize that my worthiness is not wrapped up in it.

That’s a a huge victory. And it was not always the case for me. So it makes me smile. Read more

Step forward toward your goals

From the unknown, to familiar, to conquered, to what’s next?!

My Bud

Bud, my walking partner ready to roll!

As I was walking the Blue Hill Loop last week with my beloved, Bud, it occurred to me that the first time I walked this 2.5 mile loop, it felt far more difficult and I wasn’t certain I’d make it. It was new and unfamiliar territory and surprisingly up hill. Randy was walking at an incredibly fast clip and there were times I was struggling to keep up. (And, I was the one who was supposed to be in shape!).

I remember asking several times how much farther we had to go. I didn’t know where I was, how far into the journey, or how to get home. The uncertainty was nagging at me.

When my Mom visited in July, we walked the Loop and she reacted the same way that I did that first time. It felt challenging and she kept asking how much farther and if there was a short cut. (To my Mom’s credit, she is in her 70’s and was brave enough to tackle the walk!)

I can’t help wonder if sometimes the fear of the unknown stops us short of taking on new things…of really going for our big, hairy, audacious goals — or even doing little things because they are unfamiliar. We worry they might be difficult, we might not succeed, and the outcome is uncertain. Read more

Monday morning motivation

What if you considered it more than a goal – rather a non-negotiable? Let me know what happens when you do!


My word is love. LOVE in 2013!

“Do all things with love.” – Og Mandino

There’s an abundance of hope and inspiration being spread today and I just love that! Of course many New Year’s resolutions are being set in living rooms around the world. The New Year brings hope, promise and good intentions, perhaps like nothing else. (Read my NY Eve HOPE blog here.) Read more

The gift of sharing my story

Today my heart is full and my spirit soaring. This past weekend, I had the privilege of sharing my transformation story in my first-ever keynote speech. I spoke to a group of about 90 women at Girls Gone North Weekend at the Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts — in the very same room where my transformation journey began two years ago at a live-in weight loss boot camp. Read more


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