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Posts tagged ‘celebrate’

Celebrating the happy girl in the pink dress

Happy Valentine’s Day friends. And Happy Birthday to me! I love this day of love and sweetness, and would totally embrace it even if it weren’t my birthday.

Today, I celebrate not only me…but the new me (inside and out). And, all of the amazing people whom I love and who have accompanied me on this incredible journey. What a lucky, lucky girl I am to have so many amazing people in my corner assisting, encouraging, and cheering me on. Read more

Celebrating today…just another day on the journey.

Today we celebrate a new beginning. A new year…a new day…a fresh start. That’s a good thing, and I embrace it!

When it comes to living a healthier lifestyle, today also represents a new beginning. A lot of people ate their way through the holidays and have resolved in the new year to start fresh and get back in shape. Read more


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