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Posts tagged ‘gratitude practice’

Centering amid the chaos

Join me for daily In-the-Equation Check-Ins – FREE on Zoom

Hello! How are you doing?

Anyone feeling uncertain, unsettled, unfocused, or unproductive? How about disoriented, disconnected, anxious, worried, sad or tired?

Yep, me too! I’m feeling all of those things, plus gratitude, hope, kindness, love, laughter, courage, creativity, compassion, confidence, and determination.

I’m on a roller coaster of emotion and trying to find my way. My guess is, so are most of you.

I’ve spoken to about 30 people since the words — Coronavirus, COVID-19, global pandemic, social distancing, and flattening the curve — became part of our every day lives. Most, describe this experience as surreal and unsettling. For sure, it’s upending life as we knew it.

If you’re riding the roller coaster of emotion and craving connection, structure and support — I want you to know you’re not alone, and I’m offering a way to connect. Read more

Grit, Gratitude & Grace

I love the 3 G’s — Grit, Gratitude, and Grace — as a way of being, a way to live out this daily courageous life.

It takes GRIT to follow your dreams over the long haul through all of the setbacks and struggle, and especially to stick to those dreams amidst the pull of short-term desires and distractions. It’s even more difficult when the “how” is not clear.

It’s so much easier to give in to short-term gratification than to stay the course when the going is tough. It is in these times that I rely most on my GRIT and determination. And, of course, I don’t win every battle but I always get back in the game. That’s grit, and I thank my Dad.

GRATITUDE grounds us and keeps us positive and in a positive headspace rather than allowing us to be a victim of circumstance. Personal development guru, Tony Robbins, said it’s impossible to be in a state of gratitude and focused on the negative at the same time. I agree, and have used various gratitude practices over the years to keep me on a positive path, especially when the going gets really tough. Read more

Grounded in gratitude

Gratitude for being — perhaps the key to positive change in your life

It’s difficult to blog while in the throws of emotional struggle and turmoil. Today I decided that’s exactly what I need to do. Many of you in the Nov. All-In Challenge Group have said you appreciate me “telling it like it is” and not sugar coating how difficult the process of healthy living and striving can be. So here you have it…

Sometimes it’s DAMN HARD to take care of ourselves and live our healthiest and happiest life! Sometimes, just getting through the day is a challenge. Like when you feel depressed or sad to the bones. When you or the people you love are getting pummeled by things out of your/their control. For me, it’s the emotion that gets me. I feel everything, and my well worn path when I’m emotionally struggling is to stuff the feelings with food. Food = comfort (or numbing).

Well that’s no longer an option, so now what?

How about getting grounded in gratitude? Read more

The emotional side of the journey can make or break you

I choose make! Tips from a (recovering) emotional eater.

eattofuelHappy Monday, peeps. Forgive me for not getting a blog out last week. The truth is, I had to double down to keep Lori-in-the-equation and stay on track amidst some unexpected emotional upset and stress.

This “emotional upset” triggered my long-lost (ex) friend — the Worthiness Gremlin. Yep, that’s my nickname for destructive “old” thought patterns and internal voices that make me doubt myself and my worth. The bottom line: I had to hunker down and go “all in” to stay healthy.

As if that weren’t enough to navigate, we’ve had a crazy heat wave in MN with temps in the high 90’s and heat indexes of 110-120 degrees. That meant my go-to-method of managing emotional stress — power walking my neighborhood lake — was not always available to me. So I had to find alternatives.

Despite those obstacles, I had a solid week on my Lori-in-the-equation healthy restart. Yes! Several wins here. I managed to stay the course on my nutritional plan in the face of emotional pain and upset that in the old days would have triggered emotional binge eating like a pro. I found a way to exercise every day, even when it was in the high 90’s with 78% humidity outside. I stayed off the alcohol, giving up several opportunities for a summer cocktail on the patio with friends. (Though I’ll admit that a week of wild emotions had me wanting to drink!) And, perhaps most importantly, I worked extra hard to hold my strong sense of self and stay positive among some serious emotional pain, upset, worry, and stress. I did this by focusing only on what I can control — ME.

Why am I sharing my personal struggle with the emotional side of the weight-loss and wellness equation? Because I think many of you share it. Read more

Self-care rocks!

A solid week of restart. YES, we can!

lori'sharleyYep, I’m living testament to the fact that when you take care of yourself and your health and well-being, everything else is better.  I’ve tested this theory from both sides, and I KNOW it works!

Over the July 4th holiday weekend, I took a much-needed vacation. I checked out of my day-to-day life and drove off to Madison, WI, to spend the long weekend with a dear friend celebrating her 50th. In four days, we “did” Milwaukee (think Summerfest outdoor concerts, Harley, and craft breweries), Madison’s outdoor concert scene (Steve Miller! and craft beer), and then we had an outdoor concert at Edgewater on the lake and a surprise 50th birthday party (think music and craft beer)!

Why am I telling you this?

Well, let’s just say, I got more than a little OFF my healthy eating at a time when I’ve been really struggling to keep it clean and healthy. So while I was already in a full-on restart after going up on the scale and in a clothing size, I STILL took a time out and partied with my friend to celebrate her 50th and live life. And I don’t regret it.

So now what?

Read more

Tell me something good

And let’s start a Tell Me Something Good Revolution!

trusttheprocessLast week, I was feeling down and off my game. My life and daily routine was still in upheaval due to what I fondly call “my pain in the butt sciatica,” now going on 11 weeks. I had turned into a real “crabby pants.” Nothing felt quite right.

While attempting to regain my positivity mojo, I came across a Positively Positive blog by one of my favorite peeps – Jennifer Pastilof — titled: What to do when you don’t feel positive.

How awesome! Read more

Awesomeness! It’s all about love.

10959611_10153045864740450_6805441468550001920_nI want to share this sentiment with you today in case no one else has. YOU are totally awesome! It’s true.

And, if you are brave enough, take five minutes right now, to list off in your head — or better, jot down on a post-it note and stick it to your wall or mirror — at three reasons why you’re totally awesome! I know you can do it. And I know you’ll feel better if you do. Read more

From lost hope to #beyondgrateful

Filled with gratitude for the ability to go from small life to WHOLE life!

LoriandBud-smallI woke up Saturday morning, after a week and half of struggle to get back into my MN routine, beyond grateful.

As I entered my day, I was overwhelmed with thoughts about where I am today compared to where I was just four or five years ago. This contrast was just what I needed. The ability to see the big picture from 35,000 feet of all I’ve accomplished and to feel my wildest dreams now coming true.

For those of you that don’t know my story, this November will mark the four-year anniversary of the major turning point in my life. My decision to put myself in the equation of my own life, get healthy and follow my dreams. This is when my transformation journey began. Read more


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