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Posts tagged ‘happy and WHOLE’

The mountain and me

Six years, countless climbs. Still conquering the mountain & me!

It started on this mountain in the depth of winter a little over six years ago. This is where I dug deep and found myself – my strength, my determination, my resolve, and my desire for a better life.

This is where I officially decided that I wanted more out of life than being obese and living small. This is where I decided I wanted it all. And most importantly, I decided — YES, indeed, I could do it!

It was December 2010 when I first met Oberg – a little mountain on Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior. I weighed upwards of 360 lbs (down 20 from my all-time high). I was on day two of weight-loss boot camp when they told me we were going to climb a mountain…in snowshoes.

I was pissed, scared, and a bit defiant when it came time to suit up in our snow gear. Fear took over as I contemplated my first mountain climb ever. I stood there and allowed Jeremy, the young activities director, to strap on my snowshoes because it was too hard for me to bend over and I had no idea how to assemble those contraptions to my feet.

How time flies and circumstances change!

Today, March 18, 2017, I find myself back at the foot of Oberg Mountain Loop strapping on trackers over my hiking shoes. I am alone. I am -200 lbs lighter in load. I am strong, confident, resilient and beautiful. And this time, I am oh so grateful for the trip up what I now refer to as “my mountain.”

I KNOW this mountain. I know me. And I know that I will find exactly what I need today as I make my way up the deceivingly steady incline at the start of the trail, on the switchbacks, and as I make my way around the hilly 2.2 mile loop with breathtaking views. Read more

Six years a mountain climber. Anything is possible!

Lorileif-oberg-bootcamp-bethprobstSome days I love the Facebook history feed. Facebook reminded me on Dec. Lori-obergmountain-bootcamp-bethprobst3rd that I climbed my very first mountain six years ago. How awesome is that?!

I didn’t necessarily set out to climb mountains, nor did I understand fully at the time how life-changing it would be. I am now a happy, mountain-climbing gal – six years and counting.

Today’s blog is about marking this milestone for myself, and it’s for anyone reading this who thinks it’s impossible to climb mountains — or tackle any big, hairy, audacious goal in life. I am here as living proof that, indeed, anything is possible.

If you had told me six years ago — as I prepared for weight-loss boot camp weighing in at more than 360 lbs — that I would climb mountains, both literally and figuratively…That I would go on to become a mountain climbing gal six years in and crave the next climb and adventure… Or, that I would lose and maintain a more than -200 lb weight loss, living every day from the center of my equation…Well, I would not have believed you. I would more likely have asked if you’d been drinking, A LOT! Read more

The In-the-Equation Healthy December Challenge

Join us…Get back on track & practice self-care through the holidays

snowmanimage-ITEDecemberChallengeHi Peeps. Anyone feeling a bit off track post Thanksgiving? Perhaps you’ve fallen completely off the healthy living bandwagon and are struggling to get your mojo back?

Whether it’s a missed workout, feeling sluggish at work, or you drank too much wine too many days in a row (I might have done that) — trust me, you’re not alone! Do NOT throw in the towel. We’ve totally got this!

If you can relate and you need a little help with the mojo, the In-the-Equation Healthy December Challenge is designed for you! This Challenge provides motivation, support, accountability and some good-old-fashioned incentive to get you back on track practicing self-care every day. And I’ll be right here with you.

I’m hearing from lots of peeps who are struggling with either some lost mojo for healthy living after Thanksgiving or are stressed by Santa’s looming deadline and all those December holiday parties. So let’s nip this worry and lackluster attitude in the bud!

The In-the-Equation Healthy December Challenge is easy, motivational, will help you focus, be accountable, and it’s fun. Most importantly, it can help you get back on track and practice self-care through one of the most stressful (albeit joyful) months of the year.

To participate, all you need to do is declare “I’M IN!” and DO ONE THING every day to practice self-care. The challenge runs Dec. 1-Dec. 24, 2016. So here we go. Here are the details. Read more

Self-care rocks!

A solid week of restart. YES, we can!

lori'sharleyYep, I’m living testament to the fact that when you take care of yourself and your health and well-being, everything else is better.  I’ve tested this theory from both sides, and I KNOW it works!

Over the July 4th holiday weekend, I took a much-needed vacation. I checked out of my day-to-day life and drove off to Madison, WI, to spend the long weekend with a dear friend celebrating her 50th. In four days, we “did” Milwaukee (think Summerfest outdoor concerts, Harley, and craft breweries), Madison’s outdoor concert scene (Steve Miller! and craft beer), and then we had an outdoor concert at Edgewater on the lake and a surprise 50th birthday party (think music and craft beer)!

Why am I telling you this?

Well, let’s just say, I got more than a little OFF my healthy eating at a time when I’ve been really struggling to keep it clean and healthy. So while I was already in a full-on restart after going up on the scale and in a clothing size, I STILL took a time out and partied with my friend to celebrate her 50th and live life. And I don’t regret it.

So now what?

Read more

Get movin’ & get your happy on!

Join the In the Equation Team at the Color Run Twin Cities July 10

Lori-Christine-postcolormerad.jpgHey peeps, Happy TUESDAY! I hope you had a happy, healthy and fun Independence Day weekend. Summer is flying by so fast.

I’m writing today to personally invite you to join our In the Equation Team this Sunday, July 10 in the Twin Cities Color Run 5K at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds! This fun and family friendly 5K is one big dance party promoting healthy, happy and fun — plus it benefits the Minnesota Special Olympics! Come walk (or run) with us and get your groove on.

I started an In the Equation Team for first timers to the Color Run. People who have never done a 5K or any type of competitive race, and especially for those who want to walk at their own pace but need a little encouragement and support to get out and get movin. We’ll walk as a group and celebrate living happy, healthy and in the equation!

The Color Run is the most non-competitive and fun race environment you can imagine to promote healthy lifestyles and it benefits a great cause. There are no winners (well we’re all winners for doing it) and no race times. You walk or run at your own pace and have fun getting your groove on and getting blasted with color along the way.

I did my first Color Run in Madison, WI, years ago and I loved it. Last June 2015, I did a second color 5k with my friend Ellen in the pouring rain and loved it! Read more

A girl and her mountain.

Lessons from the mountaintop — 200+ lbs lighter…
Celebrating 4 years of Lori-in-the-equation!


2016 Anniversary Hike – Oberg Mountain

She climbed until she saw…Until she dropped the heavy weight she carried as a shield.

She climbed until she discovered she was enough, just exactly as she was.

She climbed and climbed and climbed until she found self-acceptance, self-love and compassion…until she mastered self-care as priority.

She climbed until she found a WHOLE life, not just a busy one. Until she learned to say no to things that no longer served her and YES! to the big wide-open world of possibilities.

She climbed, until she learned that indeed she could not only climb — she could FLY!

She climbed until she saw.

When I started my personal transformation journey, I also started this blog to document it. That was in Nov. 2010. At the time there was no question what the blog title would be — She Climbed Until She Saw.

Climbing mountains has been a metaphor for my transformation journey. Thus, at every milestone I find myself back on the mountaintop reflecting on the lessons and the gifts. Read more

Look up. Inspiration is all around!

ITE_Equation_QuoteHey peeps, happy Monday morning to ya. Right now, in this moment, I want you to stop what you’re doing and think of and tell me something good! It’s the perfect way to start the day.

My something good — actually great — is that I just became a new auntie again. We welcome Alexis Hope into our family. And I’m so excited to meet her! Oh, and how about that super moon eclipse combo last night? WOW!

Today’s blog is about INSPIRATION. We all need it. Most of us seek it. Some of us crave it. And some of us even aim to “be” it.

Inspiration is all around us…WHEN we’re open to it. Read more


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