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Posts tagged ‘healthy and strong’

7 tips to increase your water intake & lose weight

Part of our getting back to basics — nuts & bolts blog series

sparklingwaterI used to drink a case of diet coke every 3-5 days. My office was stocked with the stuff and I felt addicted to it. I also consumed my share of heavy milk shakes, juices loaded with sugar and alcoholic beverages. I can’t even begin to tell you how many calories I drank.

Five years ago when I went to weight-loss boot camp that all came to a screeching halt. That’s when I went “cold turkey” and replaced all of those high-calorie beverages with pure water. Well, all but the occasional alcoholic beverage, which I still enjoy!

Replacing sweetened drinks with water not only spares you hundreds of calories in a day, but water is just plain good for you. I remember the day about four years ago when I tried a diet coke and couldn’t even stand a sip of it. It was too sweet for me! My palette now prefers water — and, yes, it also likes the occasional alcoholic beverage! 😉

Most of us know that water is a principal component in our bodies. But did you know that water actually makes up about 60 percent of your body weight? Every system in our bodies depends on water.

Here are a few of the benefits of water based on the research, as well as my personal experience. And if you struggle to get enough water in, here are my 7 tips for making it much easier – in fact, delicious. Read more

Strong vs skinny. Fit girls unite!

LoriSchaefer-After-6I’ve read several articles in the past few weeks about being fit and strong vs. skinny. The truth is, I used to dream about being skinny. But really, skinny was just a term. Ultimately, even though I said and dreamt “skinny,” I really wanted to be fit, active and healthy.

Well, I can now say without question that I am fit, active, healthy and strong. I celebrate strong. And you should, too.

Many women fear that if they lift heavy weights or do strength training on an ongoing basis, they will develop “man muscles.” I used to be one of those women. That was until I learned from my trainers and reading the research that strength training indeed helps burn stored body fat and build lean tone muscle. Repeat: Strength training helps burn fat and build muscle.

It is the quickest and most effective path to a leaner, stronger and healthier body. Read more


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