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Posts tagged ‘lean protein’

A proud salad makin, meal preppin machine!

And, my dirty little secret to avoid grocery shopping mishaps & stay on plan!

Blog series: The restart

2016-06-12 16.26.58 This is how I spent my Sunday afternoon — prepping salads in an assembly line, grilling fresh veggie kabobs with a titch of olive oil and garlic, and readying the second shift for the grill — an awesome new turkey burger recipe, fresh grilled asparagus and lean grilled pork chops. And I did it all in about 1.5 hours.

For someone who hated to cook, and who just over five years ago was lucky to eat one salad every few months, I’m pretty proud of my Sunday meal preppin skills. It’s absolutely one of the keys to my success at weight maintenance and living a healthy lifestyle. And when I need a restart, like right now, I get right back on plan and crank the tunes, create a colorful salad assembly line and embark on meal prepping for the entire week.

If you struggle to eat healthy or stay on your clean eating program, I’m guessing that lack of time is one of the reasons. Any chance preparation and planning would help? Try it. I’m guessing — YES!

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Protein & weight loss. Myth vs. fact.

Test your knowledge with this cool protein quiz

leanprotein-1024x999How well do you know your facts about protein & its role in weight loss? If you’re a little sketchy on the facts and subscribe to a few of the myths, don’t worry, you can learn. I did!

When I first started my transformation journey more than five years ago, I could barely list the lean proteins vs healthy fats vs carbs. And I certainly didn’t know my protein fact from myth, nor did I understand how important this macronutrient is to weight loss.

To me, protein is the super macronutrient  and learning about it was key to both my losing 200+ lbs and keeping it off. Not only is protein is a key component of every cell in your body. It gives you energy, repairs bones and muscles, and helps build a strong immune system. It also can be a key component in weight loss — if you know which proteins are lean and healthy, how much to eat, and when. Read more

What’s for dinner? Fresh scallops! Yum.

Tired of chicken? Change it up with fresh seafood recipes — all on plan.

freshscallopsDo you ever find yourself stressed about what to cook for dinner to stay on your diet plan? Or, you work all day and come home to the frig to open the door and wonder – hmmmmm, what’s for dinner?

I plan and prepare my meals in advance for the week – usually on what I fondly call, meal prep Sunday. So I don’t often have that stare at the frig problem. But I eat a lot of lean protein — mostly chicken and turkey — and admittedly I get sick of the same old…

So this week, I changed it up. And YUM! Read more


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