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Posts tagged ‘struggling’

Grounded in gratitude

Gratitude for being — perhaps the key to positive change in your life

It’s difficult to blog while in the throws of emotional struggle and turmoil. Today I decided that’s exactly what I need to do. Many of you in the Nov. All-In Challenge Group have said you appreciate me “telling it like it is” and not sugar coating how difficult the process of healthy living and striving can be. So here you have it…

Sometimes it’s DAMN HARD to take care of ourselves and live our healthiest and happiest life! Sometimes, just getting through the day is a challenge. Like when you feel depressed or sad to the bones. When you or the people you love are getting pummeled by things out of your/their control. For me, it’s the emotion that gets me. I feel everything, and my well worn path when I’m emotionally struggling is to stuff the feelings with food. Food = comfort (or numbing).

Well that’s no longer an option, so now what?

How about getting grounded in gratitude? Read more

Oooops. Off track. Yikes!

Time to restart! Pull out the non-negotiables. Here we go!

Nonnegotiablequote-loriinequationThe pants are too tight and some clothes don’t fit at all. My regular exercise routine has been temporarily interrupted for medical reasons. My motivation has waned.

The truth is, I’m happy, comfortable and having fun, but not as focused on healthy living, or as diligent about living from the center of my equation as I usually am, and as I need to be. As a result, things are slipping out of my comfort zone.

There is only one answer: Restart! No excuses. No tomorrow. It’s today. Are you with me? Read more


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