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Posts tagged ‘trainers’

Exercise: Making it fun…for life

Winter is fast approaching and I have been making plans for my exercise routine on those days that I just can’t bring myself to bundle up and walk/hike outside. Daily cardio in the gym (elliptical and treadmill) was a key part of my training program when I was in fat loss, and though I don’t enjoy it quite as much as being in the great outdoors, I know it is a necessity. So, I either bundle up or bring it into the gym. Read more

Celebrating the happy girl in the pink dress

Happy Valentine’s Day friends. And Happy Birthday to me! I love this day of love and sweetness, and would totally embrace it even if it weren’t my birthday.

Today, I celebrate not only me…but the new me (inside and out). And, all of the amazing people whom I love and who have accompanied me on this incredible journey. What a lucky, lucky girl I am to have so many amazing people in my corner assisting, encouraging, and cheering me on. Read more

Fit girls push harder

This morning, I am wresting with my head after a reality check about the intensity of my workouts – in particular strength training. Have I been too dependent on my trainers’ help and guidance, not dialing into my own body and ensuring that I can rock it on my own in the weight room or the gym?

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Feeling incredibly blessed…

  • For my off the charts fabulous “Lori Health and Wellness Team” (amazing program director/lead, trainers, mentor, and friends)
  • That I get to meet new people and pay it forward every day Read more

Before and During!

I promised myself I wouldn’t let too many weeks go by without a blog. This blog is both documentation of my journey and a key part of taking stock along the way while paying it forward. These past two weeks have been great. Absolutely great!

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Unpacking 100 pounds

Today is a weekend work day and I am feeling the pressure of trying to get everything done to start anew with clients and staff demands on Monday. That said, I am putting myself first and marking a very important milestone with this blog.

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