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Inspire and be inspired

inspireWhen the universe knows just what you need and it shows up!

You know me to be a straight shooter. So here goes.

I’ve been struggling again emotionally, battling the ongoing urge to cope with stress and worry by turning to food. Admittedly, my weight is up out of my comfort zone and that is of concern. But of greater concern, is that my attempts at restart are on day three and so far have been unsuccessful.

So again today, I vowed, this is the day. Restart. Refocus. And, for better or worse, for me that means “go public.” The cool thing is that today is the day the restart will be successful. I know this because inspiration is showing up everywhere. And I am so grateful.

First, as I walked into the fitness studio this morning for my first training appointment back in the Twin Cities in over three weeks, I was greeted by someone working hard on the elliptical with a very enthusiastic smile, and a “Hey, hi, wow, you look great!…”

At first, I was a bit taken back and mustered a smile (although privately I wasn’t in a great place and barefly made it to the studio for training today). As I got closer and this friendly face hopped off the elliptical to hug me, I realized it was a former neighbor, friend and colleague I haven’t seen in years — well, probably since I lost the weight.

We hugged and hugged and hugged, and she kept showering me with praise. I couldn’t believe how great it was to see her again, and wondered how we can so easily lose touch with people. She said that she had been following my blog (and even quoted it back to me). She added that I had inspired her to join the gym and work out with a trainer and put herself in the equation. Wow, I love hearing stories like this. It makes me so happy and it’s why I do this work!

My friend and former colleague showed up right when and where I needed it today. She inspired ME! In the three+ weeks I’ve been off traveling, she’s been working her butt off and has lost 20 pounds and looks great! 🙂 We couldn’t stop hugging and I couldn’t stop smiling.

Sandra, my trainer, who sees and hears just about everything in my “Lori in the equation” journey, smiled and said: “See, you inspire far beyond your day to day reach. You inspire people and don’t always know it!” (Or something, like that.) Sandra, too, lifted my spirits today. It was so great to be back in the fold of regular workouts and, of course, when all was said and done, I felt great!

This afternoon, I got a random email from a woman named Jenifer who thanked me for my blog and said she found it randomly in a Google search today and it inspired her. She wrote “I am on a journey to lose over 200 pounds, 100 of it gained after I had thyroid cancer. So, every morning, I look for stories about others that have done the same and I add them to the sidebar of my blog. I’ll be adding yours.”

I clicked right over to Jenifer’s blog to read her story and offer support, and again, she inspired ME. Thank you Jenifer.

The universe is funny. When you are open and aware of what is going on with you – it will give you what you need. But you have to see it and accept it.

I assert that by sharing our stories and putting ourselves out there authentically — flaws, struggles and all — we help others, and vice versa. These two women who thanked me for helping them have inspired me to continue the fight. To have a perfect day in pursuit of my goals.  To stop whining and get down to business, excuse free.

There’s no doubt this has helped get me out of my temporary funk. Today, I am grateful for these reminders. And, I am grateful for all that I am, all that I have, and all the inspiring that is yet to come. 🙂

It goes both ways. Inspire and be inspired. Thanks Kathryn and Jenifer for reminding me of that.




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One Comment Post a comment
  1. Sally #

    I love it when we realize we are right where we should be and need to be. You inspire me and I finally have been in my zone for a short while now, feeling good. Keep up your tremendous attitude and please keep sharing, even through your exciting and emotional transitions, Lori!

    July 28, 2014

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