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Small Group Wellness Coaching

In-the-Equation Transformative Wellness Coaching Program
Small group, online coaching delivered by Lori Schaefer, In the Equation

This comprehensive small-group coaching program systematizes the process and principles that I used to put myself in the center of the equation of my own life and lose -211 lbs, 11 pant sizes, AND achieve self-love and acceptance, build confidence, and gain internal happiness.

Each small group is limited to 8-10 individuals who go through the “live” coaching program as a cohort. Coaching is delivered in 12 online coaching sessions, plus each individual receives two personal coaching calls during the program. Two follow-up coaching sessions are also offered after the program is completed. Participants actively support each other and receive ongoing support & coaching in a closed Facebook group.

The In-the-Equation Transformative Wellness Coaching Program goes far beyond the typical “just do it” approach to weight loss and wellness. Trust me, I know it’s not about lack of desire or willpower. This program combines behavioral science and professional coaching techniques, with my lived experience to help participants break through and spark personal transformation.

In personal wellness, one size does not fit all. This program is aimed at helping you create positive changes through a holistic and principles based approach to health, happiness and overall well being. Throughout the process it’s personalized to your specific goals and challenges.

Throughout the 12-session program, we address mind, body and spirit. And, yes, we’re heavy on the internal work aimed at helping you achieve the changes you want in your life from the inside out. I don’t believe diet and exercise alone is enough – in fact, I know it’s not. For most of us, there is an internal shift that is needed to achieve the breakthrough and sustain the changes on the outside. We address that in this program, and to be honest, it is where most other programs fail.

That said, while the In-the-Equation principles and process are proven, this coaching program does require YOU to be 100% all-in and to commit yourself to the process. It’s not an easy or a quick fix, it takes work. Along the way, you’ll get tips and tools, coaching support, accountability and encouragement from your peers — all designed to support you and help you break through. But ultimately, it’s up to you. You have to be ready to do the work.

Ready to learn more?

Set up a free exploratory coaching call by contacting me here.

The next small-group coaching program will be offered Fall 2019 and the application deadline is August 1, 2019. Applications are taken on a first come-first served basis until the group is full, but I do suggest an introductory, free call to see if the In-The-Equation Coaching Program is right for you.


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