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Posts tagged ‘healthy holiday tips’

Managing holiday expectations. Do you have a plan?

A strategy for self-care and stress reduction around the holidays

pic-holiday-self-careI read no less than eight articles this morning in my news feed with advice about how to handle the upcoming holidays.

The titles ranged from: “5 Reasons to Eat Whatever You Want on Thanksgiving,” to “How to Plan a Weight Neutral Thanksgiving,” to “Six Holiday Foods with Health Benefits,” to “Smart Snacking Over the Holidays,” to a host of articles with various coping strategies for stress reduction.

I get overwhelmed just sorting through the advice — much of it contradictory. Needless to say, I was hesitant to share my own holiday coping strategy for fear of adding to the clutter. But when I mentioned it to a friend, she urged me to do so. I’ve been quite transparent over the years about the difficulty of maintaining a significant weight loss, and the holidays packed with emotion and stress present a particular set of extra challenges — at least for me. I’ve found that spending just a little proactive time thinking about where you are, what the holiday schedule and expectations look like for you, and then planning self care and coping strategies in advance is a helpful approach. Each of us is different, and often from year to year the challenges are different.

Have you thought about creating your own holiday action plan? Here’s what works for me. Read more

Six tips for self-care during the holidays

Lori-bigpantsIt’s official. The 2014 holiday season is upon us.

I’m celebrating Thanksgiving in Maine this year and we’re expecting a “Noreaster” later today/tonight so people are rushing to the grocery store and preparing for the onslaught of the holiday, expecting to be “snowed in.” Nothing like a little added stress for those who need to travel. (Please be safe.)

While the holidays are intended for families and friends to come together and celebrate, they can be stressful. The commercialism surrounding the holiday season and the busyness and pressure of it all, not to mention our expectations, can often cause more stress than pleasure.

For many, the act of spending time with family and friends causes stress in and of itself. For others, loneliness, the absence or loss of family causes sadness and/or stress during the holidays.

So how do we take care of ourselves through it all? Read more


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