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Posts tagged ‘letting go’

Setting healthy boundaries…harder than it seems

In theory, we know as intelligent humans that setting personal boundaries is a form of self-love and self-respect. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to execute!

This morning, I had two situations that required me to set a healthy boundary with two different people that I truly care for. In doing so, I learned both how important it is, and that I’m not all that good at it — yet! I consider myself an active work in progress.

Does anyone else struggle to set healthy boundaries, even if you feel you have self-love and respect?

For me, it feels necessary to set boundaries and communicate them to those I am in (or want to be actively in) relationship with — yet it’s still uncomfortable and a bit unsettling in practice. This is probably because I didn’t set boundaries for much of my adult life. Indeed, I’m still learning the art of execution. But, I am becoming clearer about what those boundaries are for me personally (and that’s a win). Progress not perfection. Read more

All I have to do is drop the banana

movewithchange-simpleDo you ever think about how hard it is to accept change in our lives? How desperately we cling to what we know?

Sometimes we cling out of habit because we feel safe and comfortable where we are. Often we cling to the dream we thought we wanted, even when we know it’s time to let go. And sometimes we cling for dear life, not wanting to see what’s on the other side of change even if we know that change is needed, that it’s good for us, and there is likely something even better on the other side.

Five years ago this month, I was brave enough to leap despite my fear. To let go of the norm and embrace big change in my life. I did so with the hope that prioritizing myself and my health — putting my oxygen mask on before assisting others — would propel me forward. But honestly, I was terrified.

And it was/is awesome! Everything is better on the other side of that fear. It’s where I truly blossomed and continue to blossom five years later. It was the very best decision of my life.

It’s ironic then that sometimes I still find myself struggling to let go of that which no longer serves me. Or at least giving it a good fight. Human nature and years of conditioning, I guess. Which brings me to the monkeys. Read more

And then I knew I had to let go

ITE_LetGo_QuoteCHow do you know when it’s time to let go of something?

It could be a habit, behavior or belief that is no longer serving you. A dream that you’ve been hanging on to that still eludes you. Or a person — a relationship you need to let go of. Whatever “it” is, when and how do you know when it’s time to let it go?

I’ve been thinking about this question as I practice letting go, and  attempt to reconcile my desire/need to control my own destiny (as well as the speed at which it manifests). Sometimes it’s hard to know when to go all in and fight for something you really, really want vs. let it go.

Finding the balance between holding on and letting go is tricky. Read more

I do hard things…

…and I’m better, stronger for it! #bravegirl

LoriandAnneonMountaintopMy friend Anne coined the phrase, “Hard is fun.” In her awesome Ten Centuries blog (which you can read here), she explains that by stretching our limits, conquering fear, and setting big, difficult goals – we learn all kinds of interesting things about ourselves. And for many, like Anne, hard is fun.

I share Anne’s tenacity for life. The “new Lori” does hard things. I seek adventure. Look for opportunities to conquer my fear. Say yes more than no. And run head strong into difficult things instead of running away from them.

Finally, I have confidence in myself and my abilities to live life to the absolute fullest. Even, and especially, when that means doing hard things.

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Where do you find inspiration?

inspiredMy answer: All around me. Every day.

Lately, I’ve been keenly aware of all of the things around me that make me smile and inspire me to be the best person I can be. I have taken special note of the things and the people that inspire me to live in the moment, stay in the center of my equation, and approach the world from a foundation of true happiness.

The truth is, I am constantly inspired by little things. And this was not always the case. For years, I didn’t think about it or stop long enough to notice. Now, I am inspired every day. Read more


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