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Posts tagged ‘meal planning’

A proud salad makin, meal preppin machine!

And, my dirty little secret to avoid grocery shopping mishaps & stay on plan!

Blog series: The restart

2016-06-12 16.26.58 This is how I spent my Sunday afternoon — prepping salads in an assembly line, grilling fresh veggie kabobs with a titch of olive oil and garlic, and readying the second shift for the grill — an awesome new turkey burger recipe, fresh grilled asparagus and lean grilled pork chops. And I did it all in about 1.5 hours.

For someone who hated to cook, and who just over five years ago was lucky to eat one salad every few months, I’m pretty proud of my Sunday meal preppin skills. It’s absolutely one of the keys to my success at weight maintenance and living a healthy lifestyle. And when I need a restart, like right now, I get right back on plan and crank the tunes, create a colorful salad assembly line and embark on meal prepping for the entire week.

If you struggle to eat healthy or stay on your clean eating program, I’m guessing that lack of time is one of the reasons. Any chance preparation and planning would help? Try it. I’m guessing — YES!

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A healthy State Fair? Yep. Doable.

statefair-Today is day five of the Minnesota State Fair – an awesome event Minnesotans have come to know as the Great Minnesota Get Together. Or, as the Star Tribune referred to it — “the annual communal pig-out!”

Yes, it’s 12 days of late summer fun…and more fried food on a stick than, well, you can shake a stick at.

Many people go to the State Fair for the food alone. In fact, most people don’t enter the fairgrounds expecting to feast on healthy or nutritional items. And this year, the State Fair is boasting the addition of more than 40 cholesterol-clogged, plunked on-a-stick options. Yikes. Read more

Shopping to eat healthy & stay on track

Tips & techniques for grocery shopping and meal preparation

How many of you have found yourself in the grocery store aisle fighting to roll your cart right on by the unhealthy and/or indulgent food? It seems like the “bad stuff…the treats” are literally calling your name; begging to make their way into the cart? Just this once. Read more


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