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Posts tagged ‘mint cucumber salad’

Summer is salad time. Yum!

lobster-salad-lgI love salad anytime of year, but especially in the summer. And that was not always the case. When I was 381 pounds and living on a diet of fast and processed food, I had myself convinced I didn’t like salad. I almost never ate it.

But once I started eating and enjoying salad on a daily basis, I started to crave it. And my creative side is always looking for a new twist. So when I read this blog today: “6 Summer Salads You’ll Actually Crave,” I had to share it here.

My new favorite salad since I’ve been spending lots of time on the East Coast: Lobster salad. It’s healthy when prepared right, and I’ve found I can experiment by trying lobster rolls, sans the bun/roll. The lobster salad tastes even better to me.

Many of the recipes in this blog can be extremely healthy and clean with a few tweaks. If you’re not sure what to tweak, look for the added sugars and fat, often found in the dressings. This mint cucumber salad is on my party menu for this weekend. Yum!

What’s your favorite summer salad?

P.S. Check out my Happy, Healthy Food board on Pinterest for more great salad recipes.




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