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Posts tagged ‘putting yourself in the equation’

Why is asking for help so hard?

bestrongenoughDo you consider yourself strong? I do. How about brave? Yep, I do. Do you have trouble asking for help when you need it? I do! Yes, on all counts!

That’s why I love and aspire to this quote by Mark Amend — especially the “be brave enough to ask for it” part.

It turns out, asking for help is one area that continues to trip me up. With all of the progress I’ve made in my personal transformation, asking for help is still difficult. Somehow in my head, I have the notion that I am stronger if I go it alone. When in reality, that has not proven true. And when I do need help from those closest to me, there’s still a part of me that secretly hopes and expects them to know it and do so without my asking.

Did I mention, I am a work in progress?! Read more

How about a year of YOU in the equation?

What it means to put yourself in the equation & why it’s so important

ITE_Survival_quote_instagramChances are if you’re reading this blog, follow our Facebook page or belong to our online community, you’ve heard me express the phrase: Put yourself in the equation.

Not only has it become my life-mantra and framework for healthy living, but it is quickly becoming my life’s work. I aim to inspire, motivate and coach people to live from the center of the equation of their own lives, taking care of their health and wellness first. I’m that passionate about it, and that certain that it’s the key to unlocking your personal potential.

This blog is about the WHAT and the WHY behind putting yourself in the equation. It includes tips about where to start if indeed you want to make YOU the priority.

I wholeheartedly agree with this quote from Audre Lorde: “I have come to believe that caring for myself is NOT self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” I now view taking care of my needs — my health and happiness — as an act of survival. What’s more, I’m living proof that when you do so, you not only make your life better, you also positively impact your family, your business or workplace, and your community.

In fact, my vision is that this is how we change the world. One happy, healthy and in-their-equation person, family, business, and community at a time. Just think what’s possible if each of us is truly living as our best, healthiest, “well” self?!

It all starts with YOU…taking care of YOU. Read more


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