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Five years ago, my new life began

And I simply could not have predicted this!


My weight loss boot camp BEFORE shot taken five years ago today!

Five years ago today my personal transformation journey officially began. On Nov. 28, 2010, I arrived on the North Shore of Lake Superior to participate in a two-week, live-in weight loss boot camp (Think NBC’s Biggest Loser style camp).

I was terrified, nervous and hopeful.

Frankly, there was a tie for my biggest fear going into the camp. Topping the list was: Climbing mountains, working out to the point of throwing up, and crying in front of others. (ALL of these actually happened and I survived!)

Oh, and of course we can’t forget the intense fear of failing. I was so afraid that I’d quit when it got really, really, really hard.


My first mountain during weight-loss boot camp. (Photo by Beth Probst)

Here’s an excerpt from my blog on that first day after our program orientation and before the first workout:

Tomorrow starts today. My new relationship with myself, starts today. My journey to put Lori first, begins today. My journey to physical health and wellness that will keep me around for years to come, starts today. No more planning, worrying, thinking about it, planning to think about it, or talking about it. I am doing it and I won’t quit – no matter what! That is my promise to myself (and now to all of you). I have a feeling we’ll be testing that promise in the days to come.”Read my full blog here.

Reading this brings tears to my eyes today…and immense gratitude. I DID IT! WE DID IT!

No one takes a journey like this alone. So it is no surprise that today the overwhelming emotion is immense gratitude — for this new life and for ALL of those who inspired, loved, supported, trained, encouraged, and cheered me during my 18-month weight loss journey and in the 3.5 years since. (You know who you are — likely if you are reading this today, you are among those for which I am eternally grateful.)

The gift I’ve given myself is a new life — a WHOLE life — and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to go climb a mountain today.

I’ll be celebrating my five year milestone over the next two weeks with a series of blogs, and I’d like one of them to be totally focused on YOU! I invite anyone reading this who is thinking about life-changing transformation to message me here with your questions, struggles, fears. I will write a blog focused on answering your questions here and providing the support you need to take the leap.

You can do this. We’ve totally, totally got this!

And now, I have a mountain to climb. 🙂



#gratefulgirl #gratitudebeyondwords #weightlossjourney

Here’s my before and after long video with a section thanking all of those who shared my journey. You truly raise me up, to this day! With unbelievable love and gratitude and a very full heart on this five year anniversary.

Watch my before and after thank you video here.

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