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A gentle reminder to keep going…

Keep going beautiful girlIt was a tough weekend for me processing personal loss and the emotional pain of some close friends who lost loved ones. This, on top of big deadlines and more work than I can get done, left me feeling stressed and struggling to remain positive and keep it all together.

So this morning, I took time to meditate for five minutes to start my day. I got centered in my chair, feet firmly planted on the floor and breathed deeply, in and out. I visualized my end goal/dream – it was as clear as day. I was smiling and taking in the love, gratitude and energy of my peeps. And in this brief meditation/visualization, I re-upped my commitment to go 100% all in. I got centered and focused on what really matters.

Let’s face it, some days are easier than others. The question is: Are you truly “all in” when the going gets tough? Will you keep going when you have to fight for it – really fight for it? It would be easy to give in to emotions, fall back into old patterns, and hide behind excuses. But for me, there was no question. YES! I am 100% all in. I am ready. This is my time.

And so, this gentle reminder…for me and my peeps.  Keep going. You’ve totally got this!

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