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Posts from the ‘Nutrition’ Category

Friendship, frittata and fun

And a recipe for a healthy Chicken Broccoli Frittata. Yum!

10_13_11 Sisters Journey, Maine 113I’m a lucky girl to have such amazing friends in my life! Topping the list, is my group of eight college friends/sorority sisters — we’ve been friends since the 80’s and have seen each other through triumph and heartache, loss of every kind, joy of just about every kind, and lots of celebration.

This was the group of women that traveled from Minnesota to Maine with me almost three years ago to climb a mountain in Acadia National Park and toast my -150 pound weight loss milestone.

We’re all now entering (what I guess you call) middle age, and we all live in Minnesota so we’re able to see each other often. Lately, we’ve embarked on an attempt to get together weekly at my friend Kathy’s house. She hosts weekly “supper club” and whomever can come, comes. One of us makes dinner, and the nights are always filled with deep-in-your-belly, full-on laughter. The kind that makes your cheeks hurt and spirit soar. Read more

Summer is salad time. Yum!

lobster-salad-lgI love salad anytime of year, but especially in the summer. And that was not always the case. When I was 381 pounds and living on a diet of fast and processed food, I had myself convinced I didn’t like salad. I almost never ate it.

But once I started eating and enjoying salad on a daily basis, I started to crave it. And my creative side is always looking for a new twist. So when I read this blog today: “6 Summer Salads You’ll Actually Crave,” I had to share it here.

My new favorite salad since I’ve been spending lots of time on the East Coast: Lobster salad. It’s healthy when prepared right, and I’ve found I can experiment by trying lobster rolls, sans the bun/roll. The lobster salad tastes even better to me.

Many of the recipes in this blog can be extremely healthy and clean with a few tweaks. If you’re not sure what to tweak, look for the added sugars and fat, often found in the dressings. This mint cucumber salad is on my party menu for this weekend. Yum!

What’s your favorite summer salad?

P.S. Check out my Happy, Healthy Food board on Pinterest for more great salad recipes.



Monday morning motivation – three tips

Three nutritional tips that will change your health and how you feel…for good


Lori Schaefer of speaking at the 2014 O’Neal Hampton Wellness Fair.

Happy Monday morning peeps! Are you ready? It’s going to be a great kick off to a great week! Here’s a little Monday motivation.

This past weekend, I had the privilege of speaking to a small group at the O’Neal Hampton Wellness Fair about my core message: “How to put yourself in the center of your own life and achieve your big, hairy audacious goals.” The Wellness Fair was hosted by O’Neal Hampton of NBC’s Season 9 Biggest Loser — and if you know my story — he was my hope, inspiration and mentor in my transformation journey. The Wellness Fair benefits the O’Neal Hampton Wellness Foundation, check it out. I love to spend time with “Unc” O’Neal and his peeps. And I love sharing my story and helping others who battle some of the same challenges.

Another great speaker at the Wellness Fair was local Fox 9 News fitness and nutrition expert, Ali Holman, of CoreCamper. Ali shared 3 nutritional tips — things you can start doing today — to change your health and fitness trajectory and take care of your body. I loved her speech and, in fact, have shared these same tips with people that I coach when they are just starting out. At the Wellness Fair we promised Ali we would help carry the message. So here you go.

If you make just these three nutritional changes, Ali said, you’ll change your health, see results and feel better. Ali, I totally agree! All three are changes that were part of my nutritional program in the very beginning and they are now my weight maintenance/healthy living program for life. Read more

Our “In the Equation” Community is growing

LoriSchaefer-After-BigPantsThis week we launched a new “In the Equation” community page on Facebook. Click here to join us.

Rather than a closed Facebook group, we’ve started a community page focused on sharing ideas, inspiration and support for those wanting to live life from the center of their equation.

What does that mean? Whatever it means to you! To me, it means I nurture my overall health, wellness and well being — inside and out. And I hope to inspire others to do the same. Read more

We overeat because we’re fat

New York Times article asserts what might be a game changer in fighting obesity. Hope?!

LoriSchaefer-BeforeandAfterMost people you talk to about the obesity epidemic in America, or their own personal struggle to lose weight, subscribe to the theory that it’s a “calories in, calories out” formula that determines our weight. It’s simple, they assert, to lose weight, eat fewer calories than your body burns. It then becomes a test of willpower.

I used to subscribe to that theory because that’s what we as a society are taught. And I used to feel like a failure for not being able to assert enough willpower to stop overeating and lose weight.

Then, I got healthy. I lost 200+ pounds with the help of a crack nutrition and wellness team, and learned that it DOES absolutely matter what’s in those calories. Quality matters as much or more than quantity — along with a host of other factors. It’s NOT that “a calorie is a calorie is a calorie.” Our bodies react to certain calories and types of food way differently, and the hormone insulin is a/the leading culprit in our skyrocketing obesity rates. Read more

New nutrition labels. Will they help?

Revamping food labels a big step forward. Consumers need to CARE/READ/ACT!

E8XE_Nutrition_Facts_dual___RGBHow many of you actually read labels when buying your food in the grocery store? I’d love to do my own research on this question.

I was NOT a label reader until I decided to change my life and get healthy just a few years ago. (In fact, before this, I didn’t know fruit was a carbohydrate!) Now, I never consume anything without reading the label and trying to understand what’s really in it. I avoid processed food as much as possible, and specifically read labels for sugar content and hidden/added sugars, which is really hard to decipher on current food labels.

Well, that’s about to change. And I applaud this effort!

Last month, the White House and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the first major revamp in 20 years of how nutrition information is displayed on our food labels. Here’s the press release from the FDA with an overview of the proposed label changes. Read more

Know your fruit facts

fruitimageHow much do you know about your fruit? Let’s do an experiment…just for fun. Take this quiz and test your fruit knowledge.

Which of the following fruit is highest in sugar and, thus, carb content? (Think, per serving.) Now, can you rank these fruits in order of sugar/carb count from lowest to highest?

A) Grapefruit

B) Blueberries

C) Raspberries

D) Peaches

E) Bananas Read more

Food and activity trackers

Good for weight loss and weight maintenance. Now more fun than ever!

Fitness TrackersFor many people, along with the new year’s resolution to get healthy and fit comes the commitment to track their food intake and exercise. In fact, activity trackers are one of the most popular holiday gifts and many people start the new year with their new intentions and their new trackers.

The goal for most of us who track our food and exercise is to focus on healthy living and gain some accountability. But does it really help to track your nutrition and your daily exercise when it comes to weight loss and weight management?

In fact, research shows it does! And there is lots of it. This 2008 study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine says that keeping a food diary was proven to double weight loss. And since 2008, it’s gotten way easier to do with digital technology and mobile apps (some that even scan labels) so you can track from your phone or mobile device. Read more


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