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The In-the-Equation Healthy December Challenge

Join us…Get back on track & practice self-care through the holidays

snowmanimage-ITEDecemberChallengeHi Peeps. Anyone feeling a bit off track post Thanksgiving? Perhaps you’ve fallen completely off the healthy living bandwagon and are struggling to get your mojo back?

Whether it’s a missed workout, feeling sluggish at work, or you drank too much wine too many days in a row (I might have done that) — trust me, you’re not alone! Do NOT throw in the towel. We’ve totally got this!

If you can relate and you need a little help with the mojo, the In-the-Equation Healthy December Challenge is designed for you! This Challenge provides motivation, support, accountability and some good-old-fashioned incentive to get you back on track practicing self-care every day. And I’ll be right here with you.

I’m hearing from lots of peeps who are struggling with either some lost mojo for healthy living after Thanksgiving or are stressed by Santa’s looming deadline and all those December holiday parties. So let’s nip this worry and lackluster attitude in the bud!

The In-the-Equation Healthy December Challenge is easy, motivational, will help you focus, be accountable, and it’s fun. Most importantly, it can help you get back on track and practice self-care through one of the most stressful (albeit joyful) months of the year.

To participate, all you need to do is declare “I’M IN!” and DO ONE THING every day to practice self-care. The challenge runs Dec. 1-Dec. 24, 2016. So here we go. Here are the details.

weightgain-ITEDecemberChallengeIn the Equation Healthy Challenge Details:

  1. “Like” the In the Equation Facebook Page and follow my daily ITE_Survival_quote_sqDecember Challenge Posts.
  2. Declare “I’M IN!” & Share the Post. In the first Facebook Challenge post on Thursday, Dec. 1 (or whenever you join), type in the comments field “I’M IN!” to declare your participation and get support from me and the In-the-Equation community. After you make your declaration, share the post to your Facebook Wall to let your friends know you’re taking the challenge. Invite them to join in and get more accountability and support. Yeah!
  3. Do one thing every day to practice self-care. Each day, you will be asked to “do one thing” to practice self-care and put yourself in the equation. Just one thing, each day! You decide, do it and share it.  It might be drink more water. Go to the gym. Participate in an exercise class. Plan your weekly healthy menu. Skip the cocktails at the Christmas party. Make a healthy appetizer for the office party. Listen to a guided meditation. Relax in a hot bath. Cross one thing off your holiday to-do list….Whatever you decide, you do it and then declare it in a post on your Facebook page and tag In the Equation! Do one thing. Share it. Tag us. Every day!
  4. Answer the Daily Question (Optional). Each day, I will also post a question or a task — just one — on the In the Equation Facebook Page that you can choose to do or not. This is optional but it’s designed to help you stay focused on your healthy habits and practicing self-care.
  5. YOU WIN! If you participate in the challenge every day by doing one thing and posting it, on Dec. 24 declare “I’M IN THE EQUATION!” You can do so on the Dec. 24 In the Equation post and on your Facebook wall.

What’s in it for you?

Well, anyone who participates in the In the Equation Healthy December Challenge for all 24 days, has the complete satisfaction of sticking with it and practicing self-care for 24 days (21 days to create a habit). That, plus you’ll feel better inside and out and feel less stressed during the holidays. While that should be enough incentive, there’s more. For everyone who completes the 24-day challenge and let’s me know, you’ll be entered in a drawing to win your choice of a FREE In the Equation Healthy Living Workshop OR $50 off an In-the-Equation Coaching program in 2017. And, of course, you get bragging rights on your Facebook page and our In the Equation Page!

Why a December Challenge?

The holidays can be busy and stressful. For most of us there are holiday treats and temptations everywhere. Our healthy routines can easily get messed up. And all too often one slip leads to another and another and it becomes a slippery slope. For many, there’s also an emotional roller coaster and an expectation game. The holidays can be a lonely time for many people.

When we start with self-care and are intentional and proactive about our habits, it’s easier to navigate those challenges. And lets’ face it, we all could use a little support and accountability when the going gets tough, right?

When you “work” everything else is better. I promise!

I instigated the Challenge because I’ve learned that healthy living is not just about watching your diet and exercising regularly — though that’s a great start. It’s really an inside job. As I’ve said and written often, living healthy is not a one-stop destination, but rather a process that most of us will work at for our lifetimes — if we’re lucky! Living healthy, happy and whole means addressing the big three — the physical, emotional and spiritual self. And that starts on the inside with your attitude, dialogue and relationship with yourself.

Developing and sticking with healthy habits means prioritizing self-care — and doing so proactively and consciously. When you’re in the equation taking care of YOUR needs, you are better and so is everything around you. As we change our relationship with ourselves, both the physical and emotional parts of us get better AND when we develop new healthy habits and behaviors that come from a place of “self-love” — making it easier and more fun to maintain.

Getting in the habit of practice self-care forces us to make choices and decisions every day that honor and reflect our true ourselves. When we feel rested, energized, mindful, strong and “healthy,” we are naturally better for others — our families, our friends, our employers, our communities, and our world.

I want to start an In-the-Equation revolution!

I think a better world starts with a whole bunch of healthy, happy people living their best lives, consciously. I’ve decided to start with this Healthy December Challenge and make sure I get solidly back on track and I hope to inspire you to do the same. Let me know.

So, let’s get the ball rolling. After you read this, visit my Facebook page – Lori Schaefer: In the Equation — and type “I”M IN!” on my Dec. 1st Challenge post. Let’s do this!



#intheequationchallenge #healthyme #wevegotthis! #operationreboot #operationselfcare #restart

Read these related blogs with some tips on self-care and staying on track during the holidays:

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