Should you exercise when you’re sick?

This makes me laugh so I wanted to share. I needed a chuckle today. Hope it works for you, too!
I came down with a bad cold this past weekend, just as I was getting on a roll again with my “Lori in the equation healthy living.” This includes a 5-6x per week exercise routine. So I didn’t want to stop.
On Sunday, I trained and it wasn’t pretty. I was slow and lethargic throughout my workout, but surprisingly felt better after. This morning was definitely a no go. I went to bed last night with a fever, chills and aches all over — this on top of the basic cold symptoms.
This left me wondering, “Should you work out when you’re sick? What do the professionals say?” I am in a no-excuses mode of healthy living so I don’t want to use being sick as an excuse. But I don’t want to be stupid either.
I was pleased to find a nuanced answer on Web MD, click here to read the full article. Mayo Clinic has similar advice and that answer can be found here.
The gist: If you have a basic common cold and you feel up to it, you can work out. For those who exercise regularly, you might be better off doing so. Or, rather than a high intensity workout do something like yoga or Pilates. But, if you have a fever and aches below the neck, take time off and rest your body. Also, if you have more than a common cold like the full blown flu or a bronchial thing, takeĀ a break. The answer is nuanced and I am glad. I want to share it here in case anyone else is wondering.
Of course, we know the rest of the drill. When you are sick, drink plenty of fluids (water) and get lots of rest, and your body will heal faster. It seems the number one lesson is always to listen to your body and you’ll know.
P.S. I love the part about gym etiquette when you’re sick. I say – stay home and don’t make others sick. But their answer is slightly more nuanced again and provides tips for sanitizing and being a good gym mate!
Stay happy and healthy everyone.