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Posts tagged ‘becoming more aware’

Changing from the inside out

ITE_Whole-Life_Quote_sqWhen I share my transformation story with others I’m often asked a provocative question: If I could do it all again — meaning lose 200+ lbs and become a fit, healthy and in-the-equation girl — but only keep ONE of the gifts of transformation, which would I choose?

What they mean is. Would I choose to keep the external, physical transformation of a 200-lb weight loss OR the internal transformation (the mindset and behavior shifts that garnered the happy, healthy and WHOLE life I describe in those speeches)?

For me, it’s a “no brainer.” I would absolutely choose the internal transformation — hands down!

Some are surprised by my answer, but here’s why. It’s because of my internal transformation –– changing my limiting beliefs and self doubts, learning to really love and accept myself, believing I’m enough exactly as I am, embracing my imperfections, having the courage to push past fear, learning to let go of what I cannot control — that I KNOW I could lose the weight again!

It was the limiting thought patterns and beliefs that I learned at a young age and practiced most of my adult life, that had me turning to food as a source of comfort and put me on the path to weighing 381 lbs. It was those very same limiting beliefs and thought patterns that kept me working like a crazy person to prove my self worth, cutting myself off from love and romance, and ultimately limiting my universe to things I thought I could control. Life got small as I got bigger. It certainly wasn’t what I now call a WHOLE life. Read more

Awareness – step one to real change…

ITE_Awareness_Quote…and greater happiness!

The deeper I get into this journey of wholeness, and my personal transformation, the more important I realize one factor is: Awareness.

In my keynote speech, Put Yourself in the Equation & Transform Your Life, I talk about how once I became aware of what I was practicing in my life that wasn’t working for me, it got uncomfortable. And then almost impossible to ignore. That’s when I decided I had to do something about it.

When the unconscious became conscious — that’s really when my transformation began. Why? Because it opened me up to the possibilities and opportunities for change when they presented themselves. Before that, I wasn’t looking. I wasn’t open. And I had lost hope for a different life. I was just going through the motions of my day and my life giving everything to everyone else and believing I wasn’t deserving or capable of something better. I had convinced myself that this wasn’t so bad and maybe this was to be my life path.

It was only when I stopped long enough and was brave enough to ask and answer big questions that I became aware of the truth and was willing to face it. I realized that I wasn’t even in the equation of my own life. And, that continuing on the path I had carved for myself — working 12 to 18 hours days, 7 days a week in my start up marketing business, not sleeping, and living on a diet of fast and processed food — doomed me to a small and unfulfilling life. An unhealthy life that had cut me off from true romantic love and — worse — was likely to be cut short by stroke, diabetes, or heart disease because all three run in my family. I knew then that only I could change it. And I had to do something. Read more


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