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Posts tagged ‘Blessings for a new beginning’

Monday’s blessing for a new beginning

sargentmountaindirectionalToday’s blog is for me, for my friend Jody in Superior, WI, for Theresa in Mpls., MN, and for anyone who is facing a new beginning…on the brink of the next really big, great thing.

I love this poem by John Donahue about new beginnings. Consider it today’s Motivation Monday and positive affirmation of you…for you.

A new beginning can be any day you decide. How about Monday, Aug. 3, 2015?

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Blessing for a new beginning

flower, emergingLast evening I had the privilege of spending a couple of hours with some amazing women at a Women’s Leadership Community event. When I am in the presence of really beautiful, strong, courageous and authentic women, it gets my juices flowing and my spirit soars! I always learn something – about myself and others. And I find that I come away renewed and inspired. Read more


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