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Posts tagged ‘calories’

I don’t eat “fast food.” Or, do I?

Exploring healthy options at Subway with the help of Jared & NBC’s The Biggest Loser

2015-05-22 09.18.52Those of you that know my story, or have heard me speak publicly, know that I no longer eat “fast food.” It was one of the very first things to go (along with the diet coke) back in November 2010 when I officially started my transformation journey. I haven’t eaten fast food in five years.

Well, okay, until this past weekend.

This past January, when I shared my at-home transformation story on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, we were surprised by Jared, the Subway guy, who was in the audience and “gifted” us a year’s supply of Subway. Read more

New nutrition labels. Will they help?

Revamping food labels a big step forward. Consumers need to CARE/READ/ACT!

E8XE_Nutrition_Facts_dual___RGBHow many of you actually read labels when buying your food in the grocery store? I’d love to do my own research on this question.

I was NOT a label reader until I decided to change my life and get healthy just a few years ago. (In fact, before this, I didn’t know fruit was a carbohydrate!) Now, I never consume anything without reading the label and trying to understand what’s really in it. I avoid processed food as much as possible, and specifically read labels for sugar content and hidden/added sugars, which is really hard to decipher on current food labels.

Well, that’s about to change. And I applaud this effort!

Last month, the White House and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the first major revamp in 20 years of how nutrition information is displayed on our food labels. Here’s the press release from the FDA with an overview of the proposed label changes. Read more


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