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Posts tagged ‘doing hard things’

In the spirit of being brave, authentic…

…and living from the center of your equation

bluehillbestHi Peeps! I’m not quite back in the saddle of resuming the blog, but this morning I read something on Simple that I wanted to share.

In the spirit of being brave, daring greatly, and being true to your authentic self, this is a good one. And it rings so true in my life. In fact, it is serendipitous in its timeliness.

This is a simple reminder of why we aim to live honorably and be kind in all situations, even the hardest ones. It’s a reminder of why I live and love with my whole heart, even when I get smooshed. Or, as author Brene Brown says, in Daring Greatly, when we come out of the arena marred by dust and sweat and blood because we strived valiantly. Read more


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