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Posts tagged ‘focus’

My In the Equation morning ritual

Cardio with a twist!

Como Lake Light on DucksThis summer I’ve adopted a new morning ritual and this morning I realized it and deemed it as such. It’s my “in the equation” start to every day and it totally works for me.

For almost three months, I’ve evolved my morning routine to include this 45 min ritual. It combines my preferred form of cardio — power walking in a beautiful place, preferably around or near water — with a couple of simple mental practices that help me throughout my day.

Also, because I’m on the move and living part-time in Minnesota and part-time in Maine, it allows me to have a daily practice that is consistent and helps me focus mind, body and spirit before the day ensues — no matter where I am. It helps ground me. Read more

Success = warrior. Not quitting, no matter what!

Meet Kendra the warrior. Success story #2 in my blog series titled, “Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing.”


Kendra Malloy. Success story #2.

When I was first asked at weight-loss boot camp to set a goal for the two-week live-in camp, I said without hesitation, “I will not quit. No matter what!” I didn’t know it at the time, but it was one of the most important things I would do to achieve success. I still have that goal today, and it serves me well…over and over.

Most people focus on weight loss as the goal. And in our boot camp nearly everyone, but me, focused on how much weight they wanted to lose in the grueling two-weeks. I get it. But, I’m glad I had the foresight to focus on the bigger picture. Because for me, that was key.

I knew myself and knew that staying in the game when the going got really tough, when my emotions got the better of me and I all I wanted to do was eat myself deeper into the black hole, that was key.

Just over a year ago, I had the pleasure of meeting someone who exhibits that same tenacity and determination. The minute I was introduced to her (virtually), I knew she would be a success and her transformation would be both internal and external, inside and out. I offered to support her transformation journey for those reasons.

Meet the lovely Kendra Malloy from Berkley, Michigan. Kendra calls herself a warrior. And she is! Kendra’s transformation success story — while still in progress — will inspire anyone who can relate to starting out with focus and determination and throwing in the towel when it gets really emotionally tough. Like me, that became part of Kendra’s story. Like me, she struggled with body image and self worth. But this time, like me, Kendra has gone all in! She has NOT thrown in the towel or let herself quit. And to date Kendra has lost 150 pounds, gotten stronger inside and out, and is able to show herself compassion and love! That’s real success and it deserves to be celebrated. Kendra, so do you! Read more

What is success? How about being good to yourself?!

Meet Kathy. Transformation success story #1 in my blog serious titled:
“Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing”

kathy-beforeAbout a year ago, I met a remarkable woman named Kathy Moriarty. Kathy reached out to me for help, asserting that she was ready to put herself first and aggressively pursue her health and wellness goals. We got together to talk and walk my beloved Como Lake.

When I first met Kathy, she shared her story of abuse, addiction, and survival. Like me, she had put herself on the back burner of life largely because she didn’t believe she deserved better. Like me, she thought if she gave everything she had to others, she would be loved.

What I saw when I met Kathy and listened to her story, was a strong and courageous woman with an internal spark. I saw someone who has exactly what it takes to better her life, achieve her wildest dreams, and to do so with a laser beam focus. This looked and sounded kinda familiar to me (grin). So I was privileged to get to know Kathy and support her journey.

It is with great delight that I share Kathy’s success story with you on her one year anniversary. As I said when I kicked off this series, the journey of transformation is personal. Everyone has a story and it’s never too late to change the direction or next chapter of that story. Kathy, to me, is the epitome of determination, courage and success. I hope you enjoy her story. (And Jody, my dear, the timing of this one is for you! 😉 ) Read more

Defining success. It’s personal. That’s a good thing.

LoriSchaefer-After-7People often ask me how I’ve been successful at keeping my weight off for two years. My answer: I work at it every day.

The goal I set when I started this journey was not a weight loss goal, but rather a mindset. I decided that I would “never, ever quit” and that’s how I’ve been successful. This is now my mantra, and it’s how I define success. I am successful if I’m still going, still learning, still growing, and keeping Lori in the equation every day. Because the truth is, if I do those things, the weight will stay off.

To do this requires focus and diligence. It doesn’t leave my conscious just because I hit a number on the scale or wear a size 8 instead of a plus size. Rather, it’s something I know I have to actively work at for the rest of my life. I accept that. Embrace it. And live it. It certainly beats the alternative! Read more

The challenge to maintain is a gift

You-know-what-you-want-Lao-TzuAnd, let’s be honest – it is not easy!

One week ago today, I posted my blog about celebrating one year of success maintaining my 200+ pound weight loss. It was a record-breaking blog.

After posting it in the popular weight loss blog Loseit, more than 13,000 people read it in the first 8 hours; nearly 20,000 total! It caused my web traffic to slow, and at one point my website cracked under the pressure of heavy traffic. Yikes! (I apologize if you were caught in the crossfire and couldn’t get access.) Read more

The mind is a powerful thing

It’s official. I am struggling with all aspects of my program and have been for nearly two weeks. Nutritional slips, missed workouts, and frankly I am just not as focused as I have been during the past 13 months. The truth is, I was on a roll and feeling so positive that I didn’t expect to falter in the home stretch. I didn’t think it could happen to me. Boy was I wrong! The mind is a powerful thing.

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