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Posts tagged ‘gratitude’

Here I am!

On the weekend of May 12, I hosted a celebration party at the Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts on Minnesota’s North Shore to unveil the newly transformed me to close family and friends. Besides the fat that I love a good party, my mission was to thank my inner circle for their amazing love and support during my transformation journey. For raising me up during the past 18 months.

It was an incredible, emotion-filled, and simply perfect weekend that far exceeded expectations! An added bonus was that many of my family and close friends met my amazing transformation team – led by O’Neal Hampton and Leif Anderson – for the first time.
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Basking in the glow

One week ago today, I was in mid makeover with Minnesota Monthly Magazine and getting ready for my transformation celebration weekend at Surfside on Lake Superior. Today, I am home and basking in the glow of one of the most incredible weekends of my life.
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A balanced life…a passionate life

These days my life is incredibly full, crazy busy and scheduled. But I love it! I thrive on it. For me, work and life balance is more of an unattainable illusion than a goal. My goal is a life with me in the center of the equation that is full of the stuff I love to do and the people I love to do it with, and plenty of down time to recharge and prioritize the relationships that are important to me.

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Birthday gifts for Lori

This morning I awoke on the North Shore of my beloved Lake Superior a happy, refreshed, and rejuvenated girl. So, on the spur of the moment, I decided to give myself one final birthday gift – an entire weekday morning to myself! No clients, no deadlines, no must dos, no worries. I simply took the morning off for fun and focus on Lori. Read more

Celebrating the happy girl in the pink dress

Happy Valentine’s Day friends. And Happy Birthday to me! I love this day of love and sweetness, and would totally embrace it even if it weren’t my birthday.

Today, I celebrate not only me…but the new me (inside and out). And, all of the amazing people whom I love and who have accompanied me on this incredible journey. What a lucky, lucky girl I am to have so many amazing people in my corner assisting, encouraging, and cheering me on. Read more

Feeling incredibly blessed…

  • For my off the charts fabulous “Lori Health and Wellness Team” (amazing program director/lead, trainers, mentor, and friends)
  • That I get to meet new people and pay it forward every day Read more

The mind is a powerful thing

It’s official. I am struggling with all aspects of my program and have been for nearly two weeks. Nutritional slips, missed workouts, and frankly I am just not as focused as I have been during the past 13 months. The truth is, I was on a roll and feeling so positive that I didn’t expect to falter in the home stretch. I didn’t think it could happen to me. Boy was I wrong! The mind is a powerful thing.

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Support comes in surprising packages

I am a dreamer and a believer, and today my faith that I have help in this journey was renewed.

Do you believe that you are given help or support just when you need it? That the right person, situation, or opportunity presents itself at just the right time to keep you focused and on track? I sure do! It has happened for me throughout this journey, and it happened again today. Read more


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