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Posts tagged ‘ideas’

Our “In the Equation” Community is growing

LoriSchaefer-After-BigPantsThis week we launched a new “In the Equation” community page on Facebook. Click here to join us.

Rather than a closed Facebook group, we’ve started a community page focused on sharing ideas, inspiration and support for those wanting to live life from the center of their equation.

What does that mean? Whatever it means to you! To me, it means I nurture my overall health, wellness and well being — inside and out. And I hope to inspire others to do the same. Read more

Ideas. Inspiration. Motivation. Pinterest?!

social media explained

This is a great illustration of our love-hate relationship with social media. But when you look closely, it’s pretty accurate!

We seem to have a love-hate relationship with the explosion of social media in our lives. I own a marketing agency so my work has forced me to get engaged, but I’m a more natural user, too, given my social personality.

When it comes to Pinterest, I’ll admit, I’ve been a hold out. This has been a difficult one to embrace. I’ve had a Pinterest account almost since its inception and have experimented to determine if/how it can be useful personally and professionally.

But it wasn’t until this past week that I embraced Pinterest as a useful tool in support of my healthy living goals and aspirations. It can be a great tool for finding, collecting and sharing motivational ideas, inspiration and tips. Read more


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