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Posts tagged ‘meal preparation’

Meal prep. Works for me!

7 tips for meal prep to keep you on track. A key to the successful Reboot!

saladassemblyIf you know me personally or have been invited to one of my dinner parties, you know that I am a lot of wonderful things but a great cook is NOT one of them! I once had a dinner party and bought the whole meal.

I’m not imaginative or intuitive about what to put together when preparing meals, probably because I haven’t had a ton of practice. I lived most of my adult life on fast and processed food so I didn’t spend that much time in the kitchen — unless it was starring at the frig wondering what to eat next! And, I don’t particularly enjoy cooking unless I have a partner in the kitchen helping.

That said, I lost 200+ lbs and have maintained a healthy lifestyle for 3.5 years by getting really good at meal planning and preparation. It’s one of the keys to success for me and something a lot of people struggle with.

It’s also been the key to my successful #operationreboot this past week. Read more

Confused about what to eat to lose weight and maintain a healthy body?

Busting common nutrition & diet myths.

By Sandra Swami, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach

Feb. 2012 - Balance For Life 172EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a guest blog by personal trainer & wellness coach, Sandra Swami. Sandra helped me achieve my -200+ lb weight loss and I work with her now to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sandra is also a nutritional coach, and when I saw she was teaching a class titled: “Debunking Common Nutrition Myths,” I asked her to write this blog. I’ve heard from many  people post New Year asking, “What should I eat to lose weight?” I get it.

If you’re confused about what to eat, how much, when. Or, don’t know what to believe on food labels and in the nutrition advice you read online, start here. Feel free to post questions and Sandra will answer them.
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Shopping to eat healthy & stay on track

Tips & techniques for grocery shopping and meal preparation

How many of you have found yourself in the grocery store aisle fighting to roll your cart right on by the unhealthy and/or indulgent food? It seems like the “bad stuff…the treats” are literally calling your name; begging to make their way into the cart? Just this once. Read more


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