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Posts tagged ‘O’Neal Hampton Jr.’

Putting the weight back on

Those of you who watch NBC’s Biggest Loser know that one of the challenges they put contestants through toward the end of their journey is to don the weight they have lost while participating in a form of strenuous exercise or physical challenge. My friend and mentor, O’Neal Hampton, was one of those contestants on Season 9’s Biggest Loser and we have discussed what this felt like and how truly difficult it was – physically and emotionally. Read more

How I put myself in the equation and reignited my life…and you can too!

When I started my transformation journey at 350+ pounds, I had no illusions it would be easy. I knew my stomach would grumble, my muscles would ache and my courage might flag. To succeed, I adopted a new way of thinking and focused on the life I wanted to create. Read more


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