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Who is this girl? Photos make it real

I’ve been debating about whether to share my latest “After” photos here and decided to go for it. Some of you know that a few weeks ago we went into the studio to photograph me/my new body to officially document my transformation. Sharing my story allows me to help others who struggle with putting themselves in the equation and transforming their lives…and it is my new passion to do this work. So here we go.

LoriSchaefer-After-BigPantsAfter being asked by several friends to see the photos, I decided to post them here. I have to admit that when I look at these photos, I ask myself: “Who is that girl? I still sometimes don’t recognize myself when I see my profile in the mirror. Yet, I am feeling 100% comfortable in my new shape and I know that I will NEVER go back! (That doesn’t mean it is easy to maintain.) I wonder if/when I will forget what the “old” body looked and felt like. For now, I hope not because it is helping me to help others and stay on track.

We are struggling to select the top 3 “After” photos so if you have comments on your favorites, please leave them here. I will admit that it is a bit scary for me to put all of this out there but I realize it is how I help people. Your feedback to date has been amazing. Apparently it is working to share the inspiration as well as the struggle. Thank you for your support.

Photos by Hanna Voxland

Watch before & after video slideshow

7 Comments Post a comment
  1. Lori Martin #

    I can’t even believe it’s the same person! You are SO AMAZING! Thank you for sharing your journey with us and being such an inspiration for so many of us on our own journey. It’s your spirit and accomplishments that lets us all know aNYTHING Is possible (not just weight related)

    By the way I’m all over After 1, 3 and 6 🙂

    March 4, 2013
    • Thank you sweetheart. Appreciate your help prepping for the shoot. You are my biggest fan, and I bet I am yours! 🙂

      March 4, 2013
  2. Ronda Parker #

    I love the picture of you in the purple—-I can’t see your face but I assume you are beaming!!! You are an amazing woman.

    March 4, 2013
    • Lori Martin #

      If you double click on the picture, it will open up as a single photo, and you are right….she IS beaming!!!!

      March 4, 2013
    • Thank you Ronda. I so appreciate your comments and your participation here. I hope you are doing well and in your equation! 🙂

      March 4, 2013
  3. Sandra Swami #

    All the photos are awesome, Lori. You rock! I love that striped jacket and that red dress is awesome!!! But, you were also awesome before the weight loss, you know. Now you’re just skinny and awesome 🙂

    xoxo, Sandra

    March 4, 2013
    • Thanks coach. That means so much coming from you. I think you’re pretty awesome too. 🙂

      March 9, 2013

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