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Posts tagged ‘asking for help’

Sometimes we all need a little help

Mindset, Motivation & Momentum — an accountability group for weight loss & healthy living

Me at 6 years healthy, May 12, 2018. Keepin it real.

Ringo Starr and the Beatles were definitely on to something — sometimes we all need a little help from our friends. Or, rather, we get by with a little help from our friends! 🙂

Asking for help — personal or professional — is often challenging for people, especially when we are struggling. When it comes to weight loss or wellness, we often believe that because we know WHAT to do, we should be able to “just do it” on our own. We might not want to be a bother or burden to others. Perhaps we’re ashamed that we actually need help and can’t bring ourselves to admit that we’re struggling for fear of what others might think. So, we continue in excuse mode. We struggle, and stay stuck or stalled alone instead of reaching out for help. Does any of this sound familiar?

Today, I’m leading by example. I am both asking for help and giving you an opportunity to do the same. Read more

Time to up the ante on self-care & self-renewal

Spring: A time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and renewal. You in?

Ahhhhhhh Spring. It’s finally here! I don’t know about you, but I need a fresh start.

Many of us love Spring for what it represents in terms of new beginnings, rebirth and renewal. Spring brings longer days, warmer temperatures and sunshine; greening of the grass, trees and fields; fresh buds and blooms sprouting as if to say “hello” or “hey, pay attention to me;” animals awakening and birds and ‘peepers’ serenading us in song — in essence the earth seems to come to life again.

Spring is known as the season of new beginnings in part because of this rebirth and renewal, and in part because of the equinox. The Spring, or Vernal, Equinox occurs around March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere. (Though if you live in MN, Spring just arrived this past weekend.)

I love Spring for it’s reliability, if not predictability. But mostly, I love it for the symbolism of rebirth and renewal. A chance to start fresh, and with that comes hope, inspiration and anticipation — something I truly need this year.

Bye Bye Winter Blahs! Time to Refocus, Restart & Renew the Commitment Thy Self Read more

Why is asking for help so hard?

bestrongenoughDo you consider yourself strong? I do. How about brave? Yep, I do. Do you have trouble asking for help when you need it? I do! Yes, on all counts!

That’s why I love and aspire to this quote by Mark Amend — especially the “be brave enough to ask for it” part.

It turns out, asking for help is one area that continues to trip me up. With all of the progress I’ve made in my personal transformation, asking for help is still difficult. Somehow in my head, I have the notion that I am stronger if I go it alone. When in reality, that has not proven true. And when I do need help from those closest to me, there’s still a part of me that secretly hopes and expects them to know it and do so without my asking.

Did I mention, I am a work in progress?! Read more


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