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Posts tagged ‘internal beauty’

Grit, Gratitude & Grace

I love the 3 G’s — Grit, Gratitude, and Grace — as a way of being, a way to live out this daily courageous life.

It takes GRIT to follow your dreams over the long haul through all of the setbacks and struggle, and especially to stick to those dreams amidst the pull of short-term desires and distractions. It’s even more difficult when the “how” is not clear.

It’s so much easier to give in to short-term gratification than to stay the course when the going is tough. It is in these times that I rely most on my GRIT and determination. And, of course, I don’t win every battle but I always get back in the game. That’s grit, and I thank my Dad.

GRATITUDE grounds us and keeps us positive and in a positive headspace rather than allowing us to be a victim of circumstance. Personal development guru, Tony Robbins, said it’s impossible to be in a state of gratitude and focused on the negative at the same time. I agree, and have used various gratitude practices over the years to keep me on a positive path, especially when the going gets really tough. Read more

Why is asking for help so hard?

bestrongenoughDo you consider yourself strong? I do. How about brave? Yep, I do. Do you have trouble asking for help when you need it? I do! Yes, on all counts!

That’s why I love and aspire to this quote by Mark Amend — especially the “be brave enough to ask for it” part.

It turns out, asking for help is one area that continues to trip me up. With all of the progress I’ve made in my personal transformation, asking for help is still difficult. Somehow in my head, I have the notion that I am stronger if I go it alone. When in reality, that has not proven true. And when I do need help from those closest to me, there’s still a part of me that secretly hopes and expects them to know it and do so without my asking.

Did I mention, I am a work in progress?! Read more

Beautiful or Average? …Beautiful!

Dove-choosebeautifulcampaignphotoIt’s no secret, women struggle with body image. We are our own harshest critics. I don’t think many people — even the men in our lives — would argue with that.

Yesterday, I watched the new Dove “Choose Beautiful” campaign for the first time and was mesmerized. If you haven’t seen it, watch here.

The campaign centers on a 3.5 min video that shows women from five cities around the globe having to choose to enter a building through one of two doors — a BEAUTIFUL door and an AVERAGE door. Read more

One brave thing, part 2

Lori's first ride on a Harley on coast of MaineHello peeps! I write from the unbelievably gorgeous coast of Maine during fall peak. I love it here anytime of year, but New England in the Fall simply cannot be beat. It makes me soooooo happy!

I’m on the northern side of Penobscot Bay — about an hour from Acadia National Park. This adventure brings me back to a place where I’ve found great joy and happiness, fun with close friends, beauty in nature, incredible outdoor adventure and activity, and peace and tranquility, plus the desire to venture out and do new things.

Like my first-ever ride on a motorcycle! To ride a Harley up the coast of Maine in my cute little helmet (not!) with a very cute boy — well, a first I will remember for a long time. Me, a Harley babe, probably not?! But, wow, did we have fun. And I am told, I am a good rider and a cute Harley babe –Ha. 😉 Read more


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