One brave thing, part 2

Hello peeps! I write from the unbelievably gorgeous coast of Maine during fall peak. I love it here anytime of year, but New England in the Fall simply cannot be beat. It makes me soooooo happy!
I’m on the northern side of Penobscot Bay — about an hour from Acadia National Park. This adventure brings me back to a place where I’ve found great joy and happiness, fun with close friends, beauty in nature, incredible outdoor adventure and activity, and peace and tranquility, plus the desire to venture out and do new things.
Like my first-ever ride on a motorcycle! To ride a Harley up the coast of Maine in my cute little helmet (not!) with a very cute boy — well, a first I will remember for a long time. Me, a Harley babe, probably not?! But, wow, did we have fun. And I am told, I am a good rider and a cute Harley babe –Ha. ๐
Last June, when I was here on personal retreat just after reaching my goal weight, I wrote this blog titled One Brave Thing. On that trip, I decided to
challenge myself to do one thing each day of my week-long retreat that really challenged me — physically, mentally and/or spiritually — basically one thing that put me outside my comfort zone.
I logged those brave things but never published them here. Today, I re-read them from my journal and realized that it’s when I reach outside my comfort zone and do brave things, that I really learn what I am made of, what I love and am passionate about, what inspires me, and what I most desire. It feels awesome! Even the little things. And even when I fail. I always learn something about myself becoming more self aware. And that’s a good thing.
So this trip, I am doing it again. Only this time I will publish those brave things here.
So who’s with me? This next week, wherever you are in the world, let’s do one brave thing a day that pushes our limits and puts us outside of our norm, outside of our comfort zone. Do it, log it, and write about your experience to see if/how it changes you. Share it here if you want. Or not. Let’s make note of each of those things makes us feel and think differently, be more aware of ourselves and our place in the world, open up new ideas and opportunities. I am anxious to see/hear theย results – mine and yours.
Who’s in?!
Lori’s list of brave things in Oct. 2013:
- Went on retreat/vacation by myself
- Rode on the back of a Harley for the first time!
- Met a boy and allowed him to see the new, real me (turned my porch light on!)
- Lived in the moment, and didn’t over think it, all week!
- Climbed multiple mountains solo & forged new trails
- Forgave someone who hurt me — because I could and I wanted to
- Trusted my gut on everything!
- Asked a tourist to help me fix a broken self phone
- Tried fresh clams
- Went to dinner multiple times by myself, met amazing new people
- ATTEMPTED to go lobster fishing (but they lost me at 13+ hours on the water/boat)
- Danced under the stars
- Danced in the kitchen
- Danced to the beat of my own heart at a fun bar to live music
- Cooked lobster at home by myself (well, sort of)
- Trusted another with my heart
- Climbed more mountains solo
- Fell in love with a dog — for the first time!
- Opened myself up…to new experiences, to pushing past fear, and ultimately to another. Trusted intimacy for the first time in 15+ years. Scary! Awesome! Wonderful! So brave!
Related blogs: One Brave Thing
Hey there Lori! So glad you had fun. ๐ This weekend, I too am going for a motorcycle ride…my first solo road trip on the bike. I’m going to ride up to northeast Iowa (it’s as close to Maine as you can get around here for gorgeous fall scenery) and spend a couple nights, by myself. It will be the farthest from home I’ve been on the bike, staying with the parents of a coworker (people I’ve never met but whom are welcoming me into their home with open arms), and I’ve got butterflies. Mostly good ones! There’s a small part of me that keeps wondering if I should go (external sources that question me) but I want to do it to escape, and also to prove to them (and myself) that I can.
Wish me luck! Enjoy the beautiful weeks to come.
Thanks Lish! Yay for you to take the bike out on your own!! Enjoy the ride and let us know how it goes.