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Posts tagged ‘#livewell’

Understanding inspiration & motivation

What’s the difference? Does it matter?

Okay, be honest, have you ever thought: “I wish I felt like working out today”? Or, “I wish I could eat healthier and cut out the sugar”?

I’m guessing that immediately following the thought, the list of “buts” started. But…

Perhaps you’ve attended a really great conference or listened to a podcast and felt inspired in that moment to do something big — to make a big change in your life…only to lose it later and not do the thing you were so inspired to do?

So was that a burst of inspiration? Where does motivation come in? What happens that either makes us do something…or not?

I’m back on the motivational speaking circuit and conducting wellness workshops this year, as well as restarting my In-the-Equation coaching practice. It’s exciting and I’m totally inspired to do it. At the same time, I’m more personally challenged than I have been in a long time to keep myself on a steady course of practicing consistently healthy habits that keep me happy, healthy and whole.

Yet, people are continually telling me that I’m inspiring and motivating them! This in turn motivates me to stay the course so it’s a win-win. But this got me thinking…

What inspires vs. motivates us to action? Can someone else really inspire and motivate us, or do we have to do the motivation part ourselves? Most importantly, how do we REALLY sustain that motivation over the long haul?

Have you ever really thought about where you get your inspiration and motivation to make big, bold changes in your life? Or, how you personally find the motivation to stay the course when the going gets tough?

Let’s explore together. Read more

Six years a mountain climber. Anything is possible!

Lorileif-oberg-bootcamp-bethprobstSome days I love the Facebook history feed. Facebook reminded me on Dec. Lori-obergmountain-bootcamp-bethprobst3rd that I climbed my very first mountain six years ago. How awesome is that?!

I didn’t necessarily set out to climb mountains, nor did I understand fully at the time how life-changing it would be. I am now a happy, mountain-climbing gal – six years and counting.

Today’s blog is about marking this milestone for myself, and it’s for anyone reading this who thinks it’s impossible to climb mountains — or tackle any big, hairy, audacious goal in life. I am here as living proof that, indeed, anything is possible.

If you had told me six years ago — as I prepared for weight-loss boot camp weighing in at more than 360 lbs — that I would climb mountains, both literally and figuratively…That I would go on to become a mountain climbing gal six years in and crave the next climb and adventure… Or, that I would lose and maintain a more than -200 lb weight loss, living every day from the center of my equation…Well, I would not have believed you. I would more likely have asked if you’d been drinking, A LOT! Read more

Love the one you’re with: #operationlovemycity


Working in the new Vandalia Tower in St. Paul on the Green Line. Artsy & so cool!

Good Monday morning peeps! Coming to you this morning live and rested after a glorious weekend in Mpls.-St. Paul, MN! The weather was sunny and gorgeous — high 70’s to 80 degrees. Everything is a bloom and summer is in full swing. I love my city. And I have missed it.

While I’ve lived in Mpls-St. Paul — the Twin Cities — for 30+ years (since college), in the past few years I’ve lost touch with it. This happened slowly and almost without notice for several reasons. First, I travel for business and that takes me out of my city on many weekends. While I absolutely love to travel, it does keep me from my home city on summer weekends and I often miss great summer events, activities and festivals.

Also, another place totally stole my heart. I’ve always loved Downeast Maine, but these past three years I’ve spent more time in Maine in the summer/fall than in MN and — unannounced to me — my heart took serious root there. I’m an ocean girl and find myself thinking of and longing for Maine almost every day. All of this has made me feel more disconnected from where I actually live full-time. Read more


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