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Posts tagged ‘positive attitude’

Centering amid the chaos

Join me for daily In-the-Equation Check-Ins – FREE on Zoom

Hello! How are you doing?

Anyone feeling uncertain, unsettled, unfocused, or unproductive? How about disoriented, disconnected, anxious, worried, sad or tired?

Yep, me too! I’m feeling all of those things, plus gratitude, hope, kindness, love, laughter, courage, creativity, compassion, confidence, and determination.

I’m on a roller coaster of emotion and trying to find my way. My guess is, so are most of you.

I’ve spoken to about 30 people since the words — Coronavirus, COVID-19, global pandemic, social distancing, and flattening the curve — became part of our every day lives. Most, describe this experience as surreal and unsettling. For sure, it’s upending life as we knew it.

If you’re riding the roller coaster of emotion and craving connection, structure and support — I want you to know you’re not alone, and I’m offering a way to connect. Read more

Maybe what matters most is being brave

EDITOR’S NOTE: This blog is dedicated to the beautifully brave women in my life who have reminded me recently how awesome it is to both EXPERIENCE and WITNESS courage in action. Whether it’s facing a life-changing medical crisis and remaining strong and brave in the face of uncertainty, like my sister Lisa and my cousin, Donna. Or the beautiful and brave women who leapt despite their fear to put themselves and their health and happiness first as they embark on their own In-the-Equation journeys. To all the beautiful and brave women I know — this one’s for you. #brave #bravegirls #onebravething

lori-bravequote1When I was in the physical part of my personal transformation journey — nearing my weight-loss goal — someone asked me what the tipping point was for me. How did I find success this time when I had tried and failed so many other times?

To be honest, I don’t remember my exact answer. But I remember thinking later that I needed to know the real answer for myself. So I kept asking myself — what WAS different this time? How DID I do it?

A few days later, I noodled on a napkin the words: “Everything changed when I learned I could be brave and afraid at the exact same moment.” I lost 200 lbs and made my health, happiness and life a priority, the day I was brave and afraid at the same time…and acted anyway.

It was both the act of deciding and taking action that was brave. And little did I know at the time, but life with Lori-in-the-equation would require living a brave life — every day.

Too often we let fear stop us. The fear of putting ourselves out there, the fear of what others will think, fear of failure, fear of the unknown, even fear of success, can stop us dead in our tracks. When fear stops us, we play it safe. We retract and don’t go for what we really, really want. Often we stay stuck or living small. We don’t let ourselves truly shine. And for many of us, it means we don’t reach our personal and greatest potential. Can you relate?

There is another way. The brave life. Read more

Tell me something good

And let’s start a Tell Me Something Good Revolution!

trusttheprocessLast week, I was feeling down and off my game. My life and daily routine was still in upheaval due to what I fondly call “my pain in the butt sciatica,” now going on 11 weeks. I had turned into a real “crabby pants.” Nothing felt quite right.

While attempting to regain my positivity mojo, I came across a Positively Positive blog by one of my favorite peeps – Jennifer Pastilof — titled: What to do when you don’t feel positive.

How awesome! Read more

Can changing your mind change your health?

YES! Yes it can.

11096514_807560035980415_2402216607578935093_oHow many of us have wished for a magic pill or silver bullet to help us lose weight? Be honest.

I used to wish for it and search for it — sometimes consciously and other times almost unconsciously as I pursued the latest fad diet, weight loss pill, even hypnosis!

But the truth is, the secret to my success was nothing more than…ME. I finally got that I had to change my head game. First, I had to believe that I could and would be successful. Then I changed my focus, my mindset and made myself and my health the priority. That’s when I transformed my body and my life. Read more

Success is changing the inside to sustain the outside

Meet the amazing Lori Martin, Transformation success story #4 in my series titled, “Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing.”

Success - Lori MartinDetermination. Focus. Heart. Passion. Courage. Stubbornness. Self-awareness. The ability to go all in and then some. A sense of humor. Learning to embrace the process, as well as the end result.

These are are all qualities I had to muster in abundance during my transformation journey. And each serves me well today as I embrace my new healthy way of living.

They are also the very qualities that my friend, Lori Martin, shares in abundance. It’s why she is one of my favorite transformation success stories, and I’m delighted to share her story with you today as the last in my series – “Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing.”

Lori’s Martin measures success differently than you might imagine. While she has lost and maintained 109 lbs — and wants to lose another 100+ — she doesn’t measure success in terms of weight loss. At least not totally. Lori is focused on her WHOLE self, transforming inside and out. We’ve shared this “wholeness” goal since the very beginning and I feel privileged to support her through the ups and the downs. Read more


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