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Posts tagged ‘Valentine’s day’

The answer is still, and again, love

The answer is loveI love this day. This moment. This quote by Jodi Hill.

With LOVE! as my intention for 2013, I couldn’t let Valentine’s Day go by without spreading a little love. I am on my way with a girlfriend to gorgeous Santa Barbara, CA, to celebrate my birthday.

Yes, I am a Valentine baby and you guessed it, I LOVE having my birthday on this day! Today, I can’t wait to be on the beach soaking up the sun and appreciating all I’ve been given. Read more

Birthday gifts for Lori

This morning I awoke on the North Shore of my beloved Lake Superior a happy, refreshed, and rejuvenated girl. So, on the spur of the moment, I decided to give myself one final birthday gift – an entire weekday morning to myself! No clients, no deadlines, no must dos, no worries. I simply took the morning off for fun and focus on Lori. Read more

Celebrating the happy girl in the pink dress

Happy Valentine’s Day friends. And Happy Birthday to me! I love this day of love and sweetness, and would totally embrace it even if it weren’t my birthday.

Today, I celebrate not only me…but the new me (inside and out). And, all of the amazing people whom I love and who have accompanied me on this incredible journey. What a lucky, lucky girl I am to have so many amazing people in my corner assisting, encouraging, and cheering me on. Read more


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