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The answer is still, and again, love

The answer is loveI love this day. This moment. This quote by Jodi Hill.

With LOVE! as my intention for 2013, I couldn’t let Valentine’s Day go by without spreading a little love. I am on my way with a girlfriend to gorgeous Santa Barbara, CA, to celebrate my birthday.

Yes, I am a Valentine baby and you guessed it, I LOVE having my birthday on this day! Today, I can’t wait to be on the beach soaking up the sun and appreciating all I’ve been given.

It is my goal to spread as much love today as humanly possible. And it starts with telling you all how much I love blogging and sharing my transformation journey with you and supporting you in yours – whatever your big, hairy audacious goals may be. My wish for you on this special Valentine’s Day is that you hold love in your heart for the most important person in your life – yourself. When you have self-love, you have more love and compassion to give others. Trust me, it took a long time, but I learned this one via the long, hard path. And I radiate love now. I am all about it!

One of the coolest things I learned recently on Brene Brown’s blog Ordinary Courage was that today is also Generosity Day. There is a movement to celebrate Feb 14th as Generosity Day by offering the world a million acts of simple and random kindness. I am crazy about this idea…and I’m all over it. Wherever I go today, I will spread love and deliver random acts of kindness to complete strangers. How perfect.

While I think every day should be generosity day, let’s face it, we get caught up in our own lives and struggles and it is easy to forget our larger purpose. So spreading love via random acts of kindness on this day – to those we love and to complete strangers, well I see it as a grounding, a reminder of the bigger picture, and I embrace it wholeheartedly.

I watched a short video on Generosity Day before I left for California and it made me smile in my heart. If you want to make your day, take a moment and watch this. It will warm your heart and touch your soul, I guarantee it. One quote in particular stuck with me and it has now become my mantra. At the end of the video a young man summed it up best when he said:

“Love is the reason you wake up in the morning. There are lots of different types of love – there is self love, romantic love, friendship love, love for your community, love for your society, love for your fellow citizens…there’s so many different types of love. Ideally, love is what we do here. It’s what we like to do here…right? I think so.”

I think so too!

Happy Valentine’s Day. Let me know how you will celebrate love today. 😉


P.S. And yes, as I close this blog on this day of love, the Beattle’s song – All You Need is Love – is playing in my head. Ha!

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2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Sandra Swami #

    Yup! I think so too! I feel very lucky to be able to have love in MANY, MANY areas of my life. So, I give love and share love and experience being loved. Nothing better. BIG love to you, my friend xoxo. Sandra

    February 21, 2013
    • Love right back at ya. I am sooooooo glad you are both my personal trainer, wellness coach and my friend. I adore you. XXOOOO

      February 23, 2013

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