10 months…150 lbs lighter…goal in sight

I simply had to mark this point in the journey (yes, Rochelle, I called it a journey!). Ten months ago today — Nov. 28, 2010 — I officially started my Fitness North program at Surfside on Lake Superior and learned exactly what I am capable of — physically and emotionally. The answer is: Absolutely anything!
This was proven in those first two weeks at fitness camp and has been tested, tried and true many times in the past 10 months: At -100 lbs; when challenged by serious life stresses or physical limitations; when pushed by my trainers; when emotionally challenged or disappointed by people/relationships; when I climb mountains for fun; and again today as the scale reads -150.
As I start my day, I am thinking of all of my FN 2 lions. Remembering how scared, nervous and yet determined I was 10 months ago to prove to myself and others that I could do this. To make this the biggest accomplishment of my life to date. I felt so far out of my comfort zone it wasn’t even funny. I was quieter than I think I have ever been in my life with head down doing exactly what I was told, giving up control to my program director and trainers. I was more determined than I ever remember being about anything. And, more in tune with my body and my physical capabilities, as well as my emotions, than perhaps I have ever been in my life. That and a whole lot of hard work…and look at me now!
I will continue to walk the path every day and have months to go to reach my goal. But I will get there. You can too. My heart is full today. I am a lucky, lucky girl. A late bloomer but never the less, I am a bloomer! 🙂 Thank you to those of you who have stood by me, encouraged me, pushed me, and cheered me on. You know who you are and you know that you have been an integral part of my success. I love you all.
Wow, what a way to start the day and I celebrate by going back where it all began at Surfside on Lake Superior – my home away from home and right where I belong today.
With a full heart and a healthy new glow…