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Celebrating how far we’ve come

lori-speaking-intheequationHow often do we stop to appreciate and celebrate ourselves and the progress we’ve made toward our goals in life? If you’re like I used to be, the answer is probably rarely or never.

Why is that? Is it because we get so busy and feel there are never enough hours in the day to get to everyone and everything? Or, perhaps, we don’t see it. We simply don’t believe we deserve it. And we’re more likely to feel inadequate – never good enough, smart enough, sexy enough, strong enough…

For me, all of that changed when I transformed my body and my life (about two and a half years ago now). And, honestly, I haven’t looked back. It’s far too exciting to look forward…there is so much to celebrate and so much living to do!

lakesuperiorshore-bluefinbayYet sometimes I, too, need to be reminded to pause and take stock in how far I have come. To celebrate me. To remember why and how I did this and to take pride in who I am and who I am becoming. This past weekend, I was given one of those opportunities and it was AMAZING! What a gift.

I have the distinct privilege to work for the Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts on the North Shore of Lake Superior – one of the most beautiful and well run resorts in the Midwest. For five years, as their marketing consultant/director, I have attended and presented the marketing program at Bluefin Bay’s Annual Owners Weekend. This event brings 100+ individual condo owners to the resort for a weekend of meetings, socializing and enjoying the place where many of them have owned since it opened more than 25 years ago. (I LOVE this work!) Last year I didn’t make the trip due to a family obligation. So it has been two years since I stood before this group of successful business owners and retired business owners to talk marketing of our beloved resort.

Yesterday, when Bluefin Bay owner and CEO Dennis Rsydahl introduced me, he acknowledged my personal transformation. I am always appreciative of Dennis’ friendship and confidence in me when he tells the story of how my personal transformation has also transformed how I present myself at work and how much easier/more fun it is to work with me. Dennis was one of the first people to step forward to support me when I began this journey and he and his wife Jolita remain some of my biggest supports.

After my marketing presentation and throughout Owners Weekend, Bluefin Bay condo owners came up to me privately and in groups to compliment me on my transformation. The positive reinforcement and feedback from this well respected group was overwhelming! Many of them said they didn’t recognize me at the Friday night events until I spoke or even until Dennis introduced me on Saturday. Several of them shared their personal struggles and wanted guidance. Some will read this blog for inspiration and support. And, ALL offered generous and kind kudos and compliments. One suggested he had “total respect” for me and the journey I had walked to better health and a better life. That word, “respect,” gets me every time.

For the past 2.5 days, I have basked in the glow of the respect and admiration of this group of people that I don’t know very well but fully appreciate. It made me feel proud…and fortunate. It was an opportunity that I needed at just the right time to take stock in how far I have come. And to be reminded that indeed I do make a difference when I share my story with others.

This weekend was a gift. It was a reminder of how important it is to pause and celebrate our successes, our progress (not perfection) and our journey. I am incredibly grateful. These past weeks have been challenging for me in new and different ways and I totally needed this. So today, I am smiling with gratitude for time to pause and celebrate me, for the wonderful people I get to work with at Bluefin Bay, and for the opportunity to share this story with you in the hopes that you, too, can find a way to celebrate how far you have come. It’s so important. You deserve it.


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4 Comments Post a comment
  1. Sharon #

    Lori, what lovely reflection. Can’t wait for the next chapter!

    April 28, 2013
    • Thanks Sharon. I appreciate your support. Good luck this next week at WIL 2013.

      May 4, 2013
  2. Sandra Swami #

    you deserve it!

    April 28, 2013
    • Thank you sweets. And thanks for the amazing fascial stretch session today. You are the best.

      May 4, 2013

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