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In bloom

ITE_Bloom_QuoteSpring in full bloom. I love it. Even when things are at their toughest in life, spring gives me hope. You know it will always come. Things will burst alive, show their colors and renew.

This year, one can’t help but notice the lilacs and crab apple trees in full bloom early (at least in MN). Yesterday on my walk, I photographed every crab apple tree I came across. Those with closed buds and those just bursting open to meet the world. Hello!

Too often in life, fear keeps us closed off and we never really know what it feels like to bloom. I never really appreciated that as much as I do this week.

Being closed off means we miss so much of life and what could be. And if we remain closed and provide reasons/excuses as to why, we’ll never know what we could have achieved, or how truly happy we could be. We stop ourselves from growing and blossoming.

But once you push past your fear, and open yourself up to the possibilities, those closed buds open and, WOW, soon you’re in full bloom. And does that feel good!

I am fortunate that I finally had the courage in my life to open myself up and now to bloom with gusto. Even when it’s hard and blooming doesn’t feel so good in the moment. Even then, I am grateful.

Are you allowing yourself to bloom? Or are you closing yourself because you are afraid of something?

Happy Spring. Happy May Day peeps!




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