It’s Monday. Are you in your equation?

For a little Monday morning motivation, I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes and a few things we’re excited about at In the Equation.Com.
- ALL IN! After 6 weeks, I’m finally feeling physically better from my pain in the butt sciatica (a little bit), and this morning I woke up with a desire to renew my commitment to going all in. 100+%! Who’s all in with me?!
- MEET UP: Last Thursday we launched our first of three In the Equation August Meet Up’s at Como Lake in St. Paul, MN. We welcomed a few NEW peeps into the fold on a hot and humid night. And, in our meet up conversation after the walk, some of us shared our commitment to Do One Thing! That means adding 1 thing to our lives that if we did it every day/every week would move us forward toward our goals, and stopping 1 thing that would move us toward our goals. Read more about “Do 1 thing” and join us this next Thursday, August. 20 at Como Lake at 6 p.m. for our In the Equation Meet Up.
- The meet ups are informal and fun. We talk about whatever the group wants to chat about. They’re a great way to stay motivated and moving toward your healthy goals, while gaining support from me and others. They’re also a great way for new people to get connected and learn more about how living in the center of your own equation can change your life! Connect with me here if questions.
- IN THE EQUATION INSPIRATION DAILY: For those of you interested in more frequent inspiration in the form of articles, quotes, blogs and personal opportunities to connect, join our In the Equation Facebook community. We’ve just added a whole new gallery with some of our favorite In the Equation quotes for inspiration. You can now download and share here.
- SUGAR & YOUR BRAIN: If you missed this latest NY Times piece on sugar and what happens to your body and your brain on sugar, check this out. I would not have the courage to do what this man did, but then again, I probably ate that much sugar when I was a heavy and out of my equation girl. Hidden sugars are a killer. Check the article out here or on our Facebook page.
- SPEAKING CLIPS – PUT YOURSELF IN THE EQUATION: People have been asking about my message and if I ever share my speeches online. Well, finally, we’ve got some short speaking clips from the 2015 Duluth Women’s Expo and NBC’s The Biggest Loser online.
- I’m looking for some great speaking opportunities this Fall and early next year. Check out our speaking clips here and let us know if you’ve got a group, organization or company who would like to have me come speak. My speaking page lists details and a bio.
- RISING STRONG: Many of you know I’m a big Brene Brown fan and have read all of her books, including The Gifts of Imperfection & Daring Greatly. I could not be more excited about her latest book coming out next week titled: Rising Strong. It’s a manifesto for the brave and broken hearted. I can’t wait to dive in and have pre-ordered my copy. Something tells me this is my manifesto! It could be yours, too. Check out the book trailer here.
How do you stay motivated, inspired and strong? Connect and tell us how.
Happy Monday peeps!