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No longer looking for joy. Too busy having fun!

Funny thing about joyI came across this quote and had to post it. I love Leigh Stanley of Curly Girl Designs and find her quotes the best ones to live by. This one struck my fancy as I am crazy busy living life with gusto, experiencing a host of “firsts” and enjoying each and every moment. So busy, in fact, that I haven’t had time to blog about it.

Do you ever find that joy comes to you when you least expect it or stop looking for it outside yourself? I think true joy comes via the law of attraction.

For me, real joy has come as I’ve become comfortable in my  own skin and my own life. I have relaxed into it, if you will, seeing the glass runneth over and grabbing hold of the opportunities as they come. The more I love myself and relax into my “new” skin and love it, the more positive energy, people and opportunity I attract and the more joy that comes. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. So cool!

Mind you, not everything is perfect or rosy or easy, but I now look at the challenges as real opportunities to learn something about myself and grow. While they may be tough in the moment, and I don’t always handle them with grace, I have learned to appreciate both the lesson and the process because I know I will be better for it.

To me, this is where the real transformation occurs – on the inside – and it is the part of life transformation that continues to surprise and delight. I wish it for every one of you, and for everyone I love. And you know what? It is available to you. I promise.

When I get a chance I will share details of my latest adventures here. In fact, I can’t wait. But in the meantime, I am too busy working and playing hard and making sure Lori is in the center of the equation! 😉

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. 🙂 very timely, Lori!!

    March 25, 2013
    • Hi Julie. Thinking of you and hoping you are thriving as you unfold the opportunities for learning and growth in the challenging moments. Hugs!

      March 30, 2013

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