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Operation reboot!

7 Tips for a successful start, restart, or total reboot

lori-operationreboot-2015Nearly four weeks ago I boldly blogged about my epiphany on the mountain and #operationreboot. It’s time for a reality check.

The old me wishes I could report that I’ve been perfect — 100% on plan with no slip ups. The new me laughs at that notion and is happy to report that Ive had a good run, with ups and downs along the way. I’m not perfect. But I’m authentically me. I love and celebrate that.

Yep, I’d rather be perfectly imperfect, perfectly authentic and 100% all in! That’s my new definition of success. And it’s working. I’m kinder and gentler with myself without hiding behind the excuses. I am able to take stock of major progress despite a lot of stress, travel and unexpected emotional challenges. I feel great — strong, capable, and on fire. There’s no question, that I’ll reach my goals. Because I know I can! One day at a time.

So here’s the report from the trenches.

LoriandBud-selfie2In the past few weeks, I’ve managed to successfully reboot by putting Lori squarely back in the equation. I’ve re-prioritized and re-focused everything, defining it with a new set of non-negotiables for Lori in the saladassemblyEquation 2015.

As a resITE_restart_quoteult:

  • DIET/NUTRITION: I’ve stopped the slippery slope on my food plan and cleaned it up. In the process, I’ve lost half the weight I wanted to get off by month’s end and believe I can get to my goal by early December. But this time it really isn’t about the number on the scale, it’s about how I feel and how my clothes fit. It’s about the lifestyle I want to live. I’m still having some tough days, but they are fewer and I am restarting every time I slip and that is the secret. No shame. No excuses. Just restart! P.S. Meal prep and tracking have totally helped.
  • EXERCISE: I’ve gotten back on a strengthening program and have increased my cardio (slowly) to honor my still pain in the butt back issues. Thank God! I’m still not back to 100% or even close, but I’ve finally accepted my new reality. I’m getting stronger and that feels good. Perhaps most importantly, I’m learning what works in my new reality for my body and that knowledge feels great. While I’m not climbing mountains every day, I am doing things I love like walking my lake and my favorite dog when I can.
  • MINDSET: I’m working  a new list of non-negotiables every day. Not to perfection, but at about 90%. I’ve had bad days and good days, with many more good days. The tough days I’m focused on what’s coming up for me and causing me to struggle and it’s usually an emotional, people challenge. So I’m focused on my one big hairy life lesson yet to learn — controlling only what I can and letting go of the rest. Something I will likely practice for the rest of my life.
  • SLEEP: I have actually increased my sleep this time and that too is working. Sleep matters.
  • GRATITUDE: Simple. Every day I am listing what I am grateful for and consciously posting it on the In the Equation page on Instagram and/or Facebook visually. Read more about it and join our Gratitude Challenge, it’s not too late.
  • TRACKING: I’m tracking my food and my progress every day. Logging workouts and everything I eat. When I feel the slippery slope coming on, this is the one thing that gets me immediately back on track. It’s a non-negotiable.
  • CURIOUSITY & AWARENESS: I’ve learned to get curious when I feel myself struggling or closing off. Like an investigator, I ask myself what is really going on. Usually, for me, it’s a response to an emotional need. I can then name it and notice it. If I eat over it, I name that too, and then I forgive myself and move on. No more beating myself up. That was a path to constant negativity and failure.

These past few weeks since going public with the conversation with myself on the mountain, I’ve heard from many of you who said you too are struggling. This is a shout out to each of you who was brave enough to contact me and share your story.

How are YOU doing? How can I help? Tell me. Message me. Post here.

At the request of a few of those folks, I’m sharing my tips for a successful start, restart or reboot. Whatever YOU call it, it’s getting back on track with no excuses and moving forward toward your goal. And yes, you CAN do it! Whether it’s weight loss or anything else, here’s what works for me.

Tips for the start, restart or reboot:

  1. Get intentional. Be clear about what you want & why. Oh, and be honest with yourself. Step one for me is always to have an honest conversation about what I really, really, really want. What is my intention and why/how is it alluding me. This time, for me, it was getting back in the center of my equation. Meaning focusing on my emotional needs, nutrition, exercise, sleep, financial needs, and stopping the slippery slope of not practicing consistent, focused self care. What is it for you? I’ve learned that a successful restart (or start) always begins with being willing to take an honest look at what I am practicing that’s not working. And, what I’m secretly telling myself about it. Sometimes that makes all the difference.
  2. Set yourself up for success. Any start or restart begins with a very short list of things that I MUST do every day, or consistently, to achieve my intention/goal. I call this short list, my non-negotiables. Often, it’s stuff I don’t want to do but I must do to get there. And it takes work to view them as non-negotiables and work the plan. But this mindset shift works for me. I list very clear action steps that will help me get to the goal.
  3. Track progress. Immediately when I find myself slipping out of the equation, aka, out of a healthy lifestyle, I go right back to tracking my food and exercise, and noting when I have time in my schedule for “just me.” This is information and accountability all wrapped into one. If you need additional accountability, share the food or exercise tracker with a friend. Or, make a pact to text a friend and check in every day. Whatever works best for YOU.
  4. Get support. Everyone needs a tribe. Be sure you know who can support you in pursuing your goal and be honest with them about your struggles. I find when I am 100% honest when I am struggling, just the act of sharing with someone I trust helps, and inevitably my peeps step up to support me.
  5. Go 100+% all in. Don’t give yourself excuses to not work your list of non-negotiables. Go for it and give it everything you have. You will find the successes propel you forward and make it easier once you get some traction.
  6. Forgive and restart. Even when you go 100% all in, you will slip up. Yep. It’s true! When you do, rather than beat yourself up or use it as evidence that you’re not good enough or you can’t do it, use it as evidence that you are human — perfectly imperfect exactly as you are. And then get right back on plan. The act of restarting alone will give you strength and determination to do it again. When you’re successful at the restart and quieting those gremlin tapes that keep you stuck, you will feel great and propel forward. It will be easier next time. I promise!
  7. Celebrate your successes. It’s key to find ways to acknowledge and reward yourself (without food) for your little and big successes along the way. I made a list of 30 ways to pamper myself and reward myself without food. It’s my go to list and you can download it here, in the sidebar on my homepage. Celebrate in ways that work for YOU. This is your journey.

In a couple of weeks, I’ll be celebrating five years since I started my transformation journey. It’s a huge milestone and I can’t wait. I plan to do so 100% in the center of my equation and feeling strong. This #operationreboot has helped me get back on track. But it is something I must work at every day. There is no “there” or “done.” While five years ago I had hoped and thought there would be an end in sight, I can honestly say today that I am grateful there’s not. I just keep getting better and better. And learning more and more. And who can argue with that?!

Cheers peeps. Happy start, restart or reboot. Remember, we’ve totally got this! You can do it. Let me know how I can support and cheer you.



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