Gratitude works! #Grateful.

Join the In the Equation Gratitude Challenge
About two weeks ago I wrote a blog titled, “An epiphany on my mountain,” where I shared a personal story of how shifting my focus from worry to gratitude was the key to a successful and healthy restart.
Well, it worked…it’s working! And not just that day on the mountain. I’m on Day 13 of #OperationReboot, which includes rebooting my mental game via a daily gratitude practice. And I’m on a roll. I feel better both inside and out, and I credit much of this success to changing my mindset and my focus from worry to gratitude.
It just so happens that the month of November is “National Gratitude Month.” In honor of that, I’m kicking it up a notch and inviting you to join me in the 2015 In the Equation Gratitude Challenge.
What is the 2015 In the Equation Gratitude Challenge?
Every day in November — for the next 28 days — think of at least 5 things for which you are grateful. Each day post a photo on Instagram of one (or all 5) of those things and hash tag it #gratitude2015, #nationalgratitudemonth, #intheequation. Let’s get creative in
our posts and have some fun!
Follow me @Intheequation on Instagram to see my daily gratitude posts. Or, check out our In the Equation Facebook page for occasional updates.
Wikipedia defines gratitude this way: Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.
True. But to me it’s this and more. Gratitude is a way to shift our focus from the negative to the positive. To attract more positive and good in our lives. It makes what we have enough, or more than enough. And, as in the case of my #OperationReboot, it can be a gateway to success. A daily gratitude practice allows a deeper connection — with ourselves, those around us, and to the greater universe.
Don’t believe me? Try it. Join the In the Equation Gratitude Challenge for the next 28 days and let me know if you’ve noticed a difference in your life. I’m betting you will.
I started yesterday, Nov. 1, and was most grateful for my amazing nieces and nephews…ALL. I got to celebrate that gratitude by having Sunday brunch and going for a walk with favorite teen nephew, Jacob, who I invited to join the gratitude challenge.
For me, gratitude works. I once asked someone close to me to list the Top 5 things he was most grateful for. He listed four and then paused. Number 5 on his list: The ability to be grateful and express gratitude. I thought that was perfect!
So, who’s in for the 2015 In the Equation Gratitude Challenge? It’s easy to participate. Post a photo or list one thing you’re grateful for on Instagram, Facebook or both. Do this every day during the month of November and notice what manifests in your life. Please tag your posts #gratitude2015, #nationalgratitudemonth and #intheequation. I want to read them.
Other posts about gratitude:
An ephipany on my mountain (Oct. 2015)
Tell me something good (Sept. 2015)
Sometimes it takes a village (May 2015)
The daily practice of gratitude (Nov. 2012
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