Persevere. And when you falter, persevere.
There are days I need the reminder. This is indeed one of them.
When all else fails…when you feel stressed and beaten down…when you are emotional and aren’t sure why…when you slip and fall, and your inner voice is telling you to give up and throw in the towel. It is then – most of all – that you must persevere.
Remember you are perfectly imperfect. This journey is about progress not perfection. Perfection is an illusion and it is not the goal. I personally think perfect is boring. Your real strength lies in dusting yourself off and getting right back on the horse despite the odds. This is where true change occurs. Do this a few times and you will indeed spread your wings and fly.
In my own words, principle number 4 in Putting Yourself in the Equation and Transforming Your Life…
4. Persevere. And when you falter, persevere. Losing 200+ pounds was tough but it was nowhere near as difficult as I imagined when I was sitting in that office chair paralyzed to move forward. Whenever I got tired of my diet and the gym, or my emotions got the better of me, I always returned to the plan and focused on my long-term goal. Yes, you’ll falter. However slips are an opportunity to step back and learn, not a sign that you can’t do it. It’s what you do when you slip that matters.
NOTE: This blog is for my group of incredibly strong women who give 100% every day, and to those of you reading this who need to be reminded (including me) – that you are strong and beautiful and imperfectly human. You will stumble and fall. It is what you do in those very moments – when you are on the ground faced with the decision to get up and get back on that horse or throw in the towel and go home – that defines your success. As long as you are in the game, in the arena, you’re chances of success far outweigh the odds if you quit. My friends, there really is only one option! 😉
Today, I remind myself and each of you that the true definition of strength is to muster the courage required to grow strong in the broken places. I am so glad I have that courage and I wouldn’t trade one moment of struggle for perfection.
Read the whole how to put yourself in the equation piece here.
Great reminder, Lori! And perfect timing for me to read and reflect on this, too 🙂
Thank you for the reminder Lori! These bruised knees are opportunities for me to learn, and to become stronger! All I have to do is keep on keeping on!