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Posts tagged ‘100% all in’

I do hard things…

…and I’m better, stronger for it! #bravegirl

LoriandAnneonMountaintopMy friend Anne coined the phrase, “Hard is fun.” In her awesome Ten Centuries blog (which you can read here), she explains that by stretching our limits, conquering fear, and setting big, difficult goals – we learn all kinds of interesting things about ourselves. And for many, like Anne, hard is fun.

I share Anne’s tenacity for life. The “new Lori” does hard things. I seek adventure. Look for opportunities to conquer my fear. Say yes more than no. And run head strong into difficult things instead of running away from them.

Finally, I have confidence in myself and my abilities to live life to the absolute fullest. Even, and especially, when that means doing hard things.

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Sometimes it takes a village

Support and accountability were key to my -200 lb weight loss & to maintaining it for 3 years!

Celebration Climb Mountaintop - May 2012Cheers to the village!

Thanks to support and encouragement from friends, I just got back from a cold, Minnesota cardio workout — power walking around my lake at 7 p.m. on a Monday night, in 40 degrees and drizzling rain. It was cold and wet, and lonely — only the nutjobs and die hards were out tonight!

I was not in the mood. I had every reason (okay, excuse) in the book for why I couldn’t workout today. Yet, I did it. And, WOW, does it feel great when you have to fight for it!

I will never underestimate the power of support and the accountability that goes with it. It was critical to my success in losing the weight, and it continues as I celebrate three years of healthy living and maintaining my -200 lb weight loss. Read more

You are what you eat. Uh oh!

March is National Nutrition Month. What kind of fuel are you putting in your body?

fruit for breakfastDid you know that fruit is a carb? How about that a chicken breast & a doughnut have about the same calories? But, boy, oh boy, do they get processed differently in your body.

In celebration of March being National Nutrition Month, I thought it would be fun to start the week off with a blog about nutrition.

When I started my transformational weight loss journey, I didn’t know that fruit is a natural carbohydrate. And I was sketchy on details about good and bad carbs all together. Read more

Ever use the excuses: “I hate to exercise,” “I can’t do it,” or “I can’t afford it”?

lori-sean-workoutHow about? “I’m intimidated by the gym. I feel like people are staring at me.” “I can’t find the time, I’m too busy.” “I’m not a morning person.” Did I miss any?

We all know that we need to take care of our bodies and exercise to lose weight, to increase our strength and mobility, to tone our muscles and keep our shape as we age, to reduce our risk of obesity-related diseases like stroke, heart disease and diabetes. Yet, we have every excuse in the book for why we can’t or don’t do it.

I know this story all to well because I lived it. I used every excuse listed and then some! Read more

How I lost 200+ lbs & reignited my life

The key to success might be what you THINK!

Lori Schaefer with Dolvett Quince on The Biggest LoserSince I shared my story on NBC’s The Biggest Loser last week, I’ve had the privilege to connect with so many amazing people. Thanks to those who’ve shared their personal stories of struggle, challenge and heartache — as well as successes and triumphs — along the path to weight loss and better health and happiness. I am honored that you entrusted me with your personal stories and your questions.

It’s probably no surprise that the most frequently asked question I get is: “How did you do it?” Or, “What ONE thing was the key to your success?” Immediately followed by questions like: “What diet did you follow? Can you tell me exactly what to eat and how much to exercise? …” Read more

My Biggest Loser Experience: WOW!

“When life kicks you in the teeth and knocks you down to the ground. Are you able to stand up and keep fighting?! That’s what it’s all about.” – Bob Harper, Trainer, NBC Biggest Loser

Lori Schaefer & Dolvett Quince on NBC's The Biggest Loser Season 16 Live FInaleI’m fresh off my Hollywood experience appearing on NBC’s season finale of The Biggest Loser, Glory Days, last Thursday, Jan. 29. I had the privilege of sharing my at-home transformation story on the live finale. And all I can say about the experience is: WOW!

Indeed, it was the experience of a lifetime. I could not be happier or more humbled by the amazing people I met and those that I’ve had the privilege to connect with online since the show. Stories of amazing heartbreak, struggle, triumph and transformation. Wow stories. Read more

Join the “Do One Thing” Challenge

Do one good thing every day for your health. Let me know what happens.

10927214_953709967996259_1130776400138618197_oWhat would happen if you did one good thing for your  health every day…and then kept doing it consistently? What if you took just one small step and started moving to a happier and healthier you?

Would you feel better…look better…have more energy…be able to do more? Would you become better at putting yourself in the daily equation and prioritizing you? Would you gain momentum because your one action inspired other positive action for a healthier you? Maybe you would inspire others in your family to join you? Yes! I think so. In fact, I know so. Read more

The 90% Rule

Progress not perfection. 90% = success!

perfectionI woke up this last Friday morning after two days of real struggle working toward my “In the Equation Challenge goal” and remembered: I am not perfect! I am fantastic, strong, smart, courageous, beautiful, passionate, diligent, determined…and perfectly imperfect at the same time. And I LOVE that about me! I am not perfect. Thank God.

One of my favorite quotes related to perfectionism comes from Brene Brown in her book, The Gifts of Imperfection. ““Perfectionism is self destructive simply because there’s no such thing as perfect. Perfection is an unattainable goal.” Here, here. I finally get it and embrace it!

Brene goes on to describe the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism. “Healthy striving is self-focused, how can I improve and grow? Perfectionism worries about what other people will think.” According to Brene’s research, perfectionism is not about excellence or healthy striving. It’s a way of thinking and being that says, “If I look perfect, do it perfect, love perfect, work perfect, I can avoid or minimize shame in my life.”

In other words, perfectionism is the ultimate fear that we might fail, and/or the word is going to see us for who we really area and we won’t measure up. Yes, perfectionism is fear. I get that because I’m a recovering perfectionist. I spent most of my adult life trying to be perfect and beating myself up when I was not. It kept me small, and stuck. On the sidelines and NOT in the arena for far too much of my life.

These past four years as I’ve personally transformed both inside and out, I’ve worked to embrace “progress not perfection.” I’ve learned the difference between healthy striving, learning and growing as a person vs. the impossible standard of perfection. And, most importantly I’ve learned self-love and how to offer self-compassion when I slip or fall or fail. I truly believe, I am enough. And that has made all the difference.

Which brings to me to why this blog — the”In Your Equation Challenge” and my revelation of this past week. Read more


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