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Posts tagged ‘centered’

Mountain climbing therapy

lorionPenobscot“It’s not the mountain we conquer, it’s ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

I love this quote! It rings true for me and is symbolic of my personal transformation.

Five years ago, I simply could not have imagined that I would be climbing mountains for fun. Seeking new rigorous trails, taller/steeper mountaintops, and celebrating successfully navigating cliff trails (well, okay, minor cliffs).

Yet, it is on the mountain top, that I see most clearly. It is here that I feel centered and in my equation; in touch with who I am and what I want in this great life. Here, I am accomplished and strong…brave and fearless…happy and grateful. And, it is here that I find the courage to do hard things. Read more

In the equation on Facebook – join us!

In the Equation on FacebookI am excited to announce that we’ve created an “In the Equation” online community on Facebook. This community is for anyone working to put themselves in the equation of their own life. Many are actively working a plan or program to do so, while others are just learning and exploring the journey and hoping to connect with those who will inspire them.

What does it mean to put yourself in the equation? It means whatever you need it to mean to YOU. Read more


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