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Posts tagged ‘determination’

Grit, Gratitude & Grace

I love the 3 G’s — Grit, Gratitude, and Grace — as a way of being, a way to live out this daily courageous life.

It takes GRIT to follow your dreams over the long haul through all of the setbacks and struggle, and especially to stick to those dreams amidst the pull of short-term desires and distractions. It’s even more difficult when the “how” is not clear.

It’s so much easier to give in to short-term gratification than to stay the course when the going is tough. It is in these times that I rely most on my GRIT and determination. And, of course, I don’t win every battle but I always get back in the game. That’s grit, and I thank my Dad.

GRATITUDE grounds us and keeps us positive and in a positive headspace rather than allowing us to be a victim of circumstance. Personal development guru, Tony Robbins, said it’s impossible to be in a state of gratitude and focused on the negative at the same time. I agree, and have used various gratitude practices over the years to keep me on a positive path, especially when the going gets really tough. Read more

The powerful combo of grit & grace

I started the year reading a poem written by a new friend. It opened with a line about “grit and grace” and I was immediately captured by how connected I felt to those two words. I felt like the poem was calling to me and that someone really “got” me.

I re-read the poem about the same time I was reflecting on my Dad’s recent passing and his legacy, and noted that it was perhaps “grit” more than anything that he instilled in me — by genes and by example/experience.

Ironically, just days after I discovered the poem, two different friends (in two separate conversations) recommended a book called “Grit: The power of Passion & Perseverance” written by Anita Duckworth. I began reading Grit earlier this month and, wow, does it resonate — for me personally and as a Health & Wellness Coach aiming to help others. I highly recommend it! Read more

What losing 200+ lbs has taught me

LoriSchaefer-IntheEquation-TheBiggestLoser-Jan2015What if you knew in the deepest part of your gut that you could do ANYTHING you set your mind to? That you have within you the power and the potential to make your biggest, hairiest, most audacious goal come true?!

One year ago today, I had the distinct privilege to share my at-home transformation story on NBC TV’s The Biggest Loser Season 16 live finale. It was an incredible experience — thrilling, scary, enlightening, empowering, totally awesome! I’ve blogged about it here, and you can watch the video clip here.

Today, as I reflect on that amazing night one year ago, I am struck by what I have learned throughout this personal transformation journey that continues to serve me today. What I share with the contestants on The Biggest Loser — and likely with anyone who has achieved great things that are really, really, really hard. I’m reflecting on the greatest lesson/gift: I will  continue to grow and win in my life every day because I now know that deep inside of me is an unstoppable force. I can do anything I set my mind to.

Peeps, that is the secret! Read more

Five years ago, my new life began

And I simply could not have predicted this!


My weight loss boot camp BEFORE shot taken five years ago today!

Five years ago today my personal transformation journey officially began. On Nov. 28, 2010, I arrived on the North Shore of Lake Superior to participate in a two-week, live-in weight loss boot camp (Think NBC’s Biggest Loser style camp).

I was terrified, nervous and hopeful.

Frankly, there was a tie for my biggest fear going into the camp. Topping the list was: Climbing mountains, working out to the point of throwing up, and crying in front of others. (ALL of these actually happened and I survived!)

Oh, and of course we can’t forget the intense fear of failing. I was so afraid that I’d quit when it got really, really, really hard. Read more

Sharing the gift of life-changing transformation

Come hear me speak at the Duluth Women’s Expo on Saturday, March 7

Lori Schaefer,, speaking at Duluth Women's Expo 2015In less than a week, I’ll be sharing my transformation story and talking about my NBC The Biggest Loser experience at the Women’s Expo in Duluth, MN.

This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to preview the speech on Talk of the Town radio with Tracy Lundeen on KDAL 610AM & 95.7FM, Duluth, MN. Click here to listen to my live radio interview (for just my interview advance to 58:50-1:07). Read more

Success is changing the inside to sustain the outside

Meet the amazing Lori Martin, Transformation success story #4 in my series titled, “Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing.”

Success - Lori MartinDetermination. Focus. Heart. Passion. Courage. Stubbornness. Self-awareness. The ability to go all in and then some. A sense of humor. Learning to embrace the process, as well as the end result.

These are are all qualities I had to muster in abundance during my transformation journey. And each serves me well today as I embrace my new healthy way of living.

They are also the very qualities that my friend, Lori Martin, shares in abundance. It’s why she is one of my favorite transformation success stories, and I’m delighted to share her story with you today as the last in my series – “Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing.”

Lori’s Martin measures success differently than you might imagine. While she has lost and maintained 109 lbs — and wants to lose another 100+ — she doesn’t measure success in terms of weight loss. At least not totally. Lori is focused on her WHOLE self, transforming inside and out. We’ve shared this “wholeness” goal since the very beginning and I feel privileged to support her through the ups and the downs. Read more

Success = warrior. Not quitting, no matter what!

Meet Kendra the warrior. Success story #2 in my blog series titled, “Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing.”


Kendra Malloy. Success story #2.

When I was first asked at weight-loss boot camp to set a goal for the two-week live-in camp, I said without hesitation, “I will not quit. No matter what!” I didn’t know it at the time, but it was one of the most important things I would do to achieve success. I still have that goal today, and it serves me well…over and over.

Most people focus on weight loss as the goal. And in our boot camp nearly everyone, but me, focused on how much weight they wanted to lose in the grueling two-weeks. I get it. But, I’m glad I had the foresight to focus on the bigger picture. Because for me, that was key.

I knew myself and knew that staying in the game when the going got really tough, when my emotions got the better of me and I all I wanted to do was eat myself deeper into the black hole, that was key.

Just over a year ago, I had the pleasure of meeting someone who exhibits that same tenacity and determination. The minute I was introduced to her (virtually), I knew she would be a success and her transformation would be both internal and external, inside and out. I offered to support her transformation journey for those reasons.

Meet the lovely Kendra Malloy from Berkley, Michigan. Kendra calls herself a warrior. And she is! Kendra’s transformation success story — while still in progress — will inspire anyone who can relate to starting out with focus and determination and throwing in the towel when it gets really emotionally tough. Like me, that became part of Kendra’s story. Like me, she struggled with body image and self worth. But this time, like me, Kendra has gone all in! She has NOT thrown in the towel or let herself quit. And to date Kendra has lost 150 pounds, gotten stronger inside and out, and is able to show herself compassion and love! That’s real success and it deserves to be celebrated. Kendra, so do you! Read more

What is success? How about being good to yourself?!

Meet Kathy. Transformation success story #1 in my blog serious titled:
“Success. It’s personal. And that’s a good thing”

kathy-beforeAbout a year ago, I met a remarkable woman named Kathy Moriarty. Kathy reached out to me for help, asserting that she was ready to put herself first and aggressively pursue her health and wellness goals. We got together to talk and walk my beloved Como Lake.

When I first met Kathy, she shared her story of abuse, addiction, and survival. Like me, she had put herself on the back burner of life largely because she didn’t believe she deserved better. Like me, she thought if she gave everything she had to others, she would be loved.

What I saw when I met Kathy and listened to her story, was a strong and courageous woman with an internal spark. I saw someone who has exactly what it takes to better her life, achieve her wildest dreams, and to do so with a laser beam focus. This looked and sounded kinda familiar to me (grin). So I was privileged to get to know Kathy and support her journey.

It is with great delight that I share Kathy’s success story with you on her one year anniversary. As I said when I kicked off this series, the journey of transformation is personal. Everyone has a story and it’s never too late to change the direction or next chapter of that story. Kathy, to me, is the epitome of determination, courage and success. I hope you enjoy her story. (And Jody, my dear, the timing of this one is for you! 😉 ) Read more


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