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Posts tagged ‘dream’

My word is love. LOVE in 2013!

“Do all things with love.” – Og Mandino

There’s an abundance of hope and inspiration being spread today and I just love that! Of course many New Year’s resolutions are being set in living rooms around the world. The New Year brings hope, promise and good intentions, perhaps like nothing else. (Read my NY Eve HOPE blog here.) Read more

Support comes in surprising packages

I am a dreamer and a believer, and today my faith that I have help in this journey was renewed.

Do you believe that you are given help or support just when you need it? That the right person, situation, or opportunity presents itself at just the right time to keep you focused and on track? I sure do! It has happened for me throughout this journey, and it happened again today. Read more

When we follow our dreams…

…we toss a pebble into the world. Creating a beautiful ripple of inspiration.

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Goals and dreams…dreams and goals

As I ready for the journey ahead, there is a lot of anticipation, some fear, and a little worry about getting the work wrapped up and letting go of the business. Then there are some dreams that sneak in admist the anticipation and worry. I think about what success might look like, feel like, and how my life would change! My trainer Julie asked me if I had thought about goals and the reward. Tonight as I am trying desparetly to finish a big plan, I let myself go there. Read more


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