Goals and dreams…dreams and goals

As I ready for the journey ahead, there is a lot of anticipation, some fear, and a little worry about getting the work wrapped up and letting go of the business. Then there are some dreams that sneak in admist the anticipation and worry. I think about what success might look like, feel like, and how my life would change! My trainer Julie asked me if I had thought about goals and the reward. Tonight as I am trying desparetly to finish a big plan, I let myself go there.
First, a big goal, losing 100 lbs. A true milestone. And tonight somehow it seems totally within reach. The only fitting reward then of course is one of the two big trips on the docket. Italy or Ireland. Italy or Ireland?
Italy is long overdue for reasons directly related to my weight. And this trip brings two of my first loves — great wine and breathtaking sea — not to mention art, culture, cute men…hmmm. Positano on the Campania Coast is the place. I fell in love with Positano in two of my favorite movies Under the Tuscan Sun and Only You. And talk about mountains!
Ireland of course brings wide open ocean set against the bright emerald green countryside. I need to kiss me some Irish men, dance an Irish jig on the bar, and maybe at that point, yes, drink some Irish brew!
Italy or Ireland…that is the question. Miles to go before I book, but as I climb those North Shore mountains I will imagine the view from Positano travel but there is something nice about making the reward a life-long dream.